Bad Injury...advice please


New Member
Greetings Folks,

I was rock climbing and fell and badly damaged one of my legs. It hurt like hell.

Well needless to say I can no longer work on my legs at least for the time being and I can not do cardio.

So now I am trying see how I can continue doing the HST Cut without cardio and without working on my legs.

I am on my fourth cycle with great cutting results. As per my last post

Right now I am eating 'Maintenance'
So I guess the first step is to drop the calories by 500.

But what about cardio etc?
Or is there a modification I do to the standard HST routine

BTW I have modified my routine since my last post as per your advice

Squats (though I can not do them right now
Skull Crushers

Close Grip Chins
Rear Delts
Deadlifts (though I can not do them right now
Barbell Curls

I try to do the AM push/PM pull split If I can't for whatever reason do it all in PM. Thus far the AM/PM is working quite well

With HIIT on all Off days. Core work with body ball on two off days.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
You're right about the calories, specially if you're cutting.

I'd say keep lifting if you can for the upper body to avoid loss of muscle, do not change program as it is fine just don't do legs till you can start again.

Start legs only when they are healed up!
Try a Tabata variety on the punching bag, might end up working well.

Punch for 20 seconds very fast, take 10 second breaks, repeat for 4 minutes straight.
Don't cut calories now, it will prolong the healing process and you will lose too much muscle in your legs.
I'm with Avenue -- you need to focus on healing your leg.   Taking a break from the diet will actually reset your metabolism and increase the effectivenesss of the diet when you start again.  Having lost 5% BF already, I imagine that the metabolic slow-down will set in anytime (if it hasn't already), though that depends upon your particular body.

You can try upper body cardio as Fausto suggests.  There are also cycle-type machines for your arms.

IF it isn't too difficult with the leg situation (cast?), is swimming an option?

Doctor gave me the ok to use and exercise bike and/or elliptical.

Question: Is tabata effective with either?
If so, should I do it on workout days or off days?
or every day?

I have an exercise bike which makes life a little easier as I can just do it @ home. As for the elliptical, I would have to use one at the gym which is no big deal, since I will be there anyway

My current routine is listed on the first post of this thread.
With the exception of deadlifts and squats.