Basic HST


New Member
About a year ago I did an 8 week cycle of HST. When I set up my routine, I actually had a lot of isolation movements with core movements from 15 to 5's. I saw decent gains but have been doing other routines since (BBB)

Looking at all the information now, what seems to be recommended is to do core movements during 15’s, add specializations then iso's. My question is should I do a basic core routing for the next few weeks or incorporate the specializations and iso's.

My core/15 selection looks like this:

Incline bench
Military Press
Pull Ups

I have been doing Serious Growth 3 (BBB) for the last few years, which seems similar to HST in some respects (works out each muscle group 3x a week and micro periodization).

Should I do the next 8 weeks like this? What would you suggest?

Thanks in advance
Yeah, that is the basic routine we normally recommend!

Adding isos and specialization is really up to the individual core routines really end up building the required size!
Thanks for the reply. i'll start with these and add iso and stuff in my next cycle after some experience with it.

Thanks again
(lm037 @ Aug. 01 2006,19:25)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My core/15 selection looks like this:

Incline bench
Military Press
Pull Ups</div>
Slightly confused as you've got chins and pull ups - do you mean them as separate exercises (i.e. different grip)? If so I would so rows instead of one of them.

Personally I do 2 pulling and 2 pressing movements so I would probably alternate the military press and incline bench as your second movement (with dips as the first) or possibly alternate dips and incline press. No biggie though. Definitely have dips before military press though.


<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Slightly confused as you've got chins and pull ups - do you mean them as separate exercises (i.e. different grip)? If so I would do rows instead of one of them. </div>

I chose to ignore that point, but Rob's got a point, it would be more effective to use a good rowing movement, Barbel, cable or D/B.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Thanks for the reply. i'll start with these and add iso and stuff in my next cycle after some experience with it.</div>
I think that's a good decision, a couple of &quot;basic&quot; HST cycles to get the hang of it (and understand it) before trying any tweaks.