Began HST yesterday, few questions


Hello everyone I am a 39 year old , just came back to lifting in Oct. after a two year lay off.I did a modified Waterbury10x3 (using bench,military,rows , deads,squats) 2x/wk thru late Nov. i experienced significant strength increase and a degree of "recompositioning" so to speak , weighing about the same but with more muscle less fat.I followed the 10x3 with SD for two weeks and then began HST yesterday.It was refreshing to use the lower poundages for the 15's after spending the previous cycle working between 90 and 95% of 1rm everyworkout.
   My question is regarding volume, on the 10x3 my weekly volume was much higher than I see the HST cycle being , is this a concern?Should I do 2 sets 3x/wk?or will my body adjust to the lower volume just fine?I know the standard answer is that I was probably overtraining(I wasn't) and will now see great gains( I was making great gains but had taken that cycle about as far as I could without needing a layoff/SD)so, should I manipulate set totals to equal or surpass the volume I am used to or leave it alone?
If you like the higher volume, you can do 2x15, 3x10, 5x5, then your 2 weeks of negatives or just 5x5 for the last month. I did that my first HST cycle and gained 30lbs while reducing my BF% from 12 to 9.

My second cycle I did less and maintained but no new gains. After that, I got hurt and missed a month. I forgot to eat for a week of that month and lost 11.5 of the pounds I'd gained.

So, try it with more volume if you wish. Just don't forget to eat while takeing too much time off afterwards.

We all get things right sometimes and make mistakes at other times. We should share both to help one another out.

Be sure to let us know how you do your training cycle and what kind of results you get.
Id stick to at 15-20 reps per bodypart per workout, since you'll be quite conditioned. You will gain well with HST
(vagrant @ Dec. 05 2006,13:58)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> I did that my first HST cycle and gained 30lbs while reducing my BF% from 12 to 9.</div>
sry but....WHAT!? 30 pounds of LBM?
how? i gain around 5 pounds in a month on bulk........I was wondering if you could possibly post your routine so i can compare what i am missing?

I am willing to go as hard as I can to put on some muscle mass but gaining that much in a 6 weeks time is unheard of to me without steroids or prohormones(I am not accusing!