Beginner and new to HST, need advice and help please


New Member
Hi all,
First let me introduce myself, i'm Arno from the Netherlands and im 39 yrs old. Im 184cm tall and have a weight of 178 pounds. I am new to weight lifting and also HST. I want to train at home, i have dumbells with a max load of 110 pounds, a chin up bar in the ceiling with training rings attached to it and i have a incline/decline bench with a possibility to do leg curls and preacher curls. One other thing i have is a fitness ball, mainly to do crunches and for training my core.
I'm not entirely new at training my physique, i've worked 4 years in a factory where the work was very intense for my body. Lots of lifting, etc. Before i worked there, i was skinny, after that not anymore. When i stopped working there it was 2003, now i have an desk job, great job but not much activity. So i gained bodyfat...Last year in november my weight was 210 pounds, i started a diet with a food schedule (is this the correct word?) and i lost 32 pounds. But now i want to train my muscles and try to get bigger. My advantage is that i experienced that i can gain muscles easy, over all of those years i hardly lost any muscle tissue, im very happy with that.
So that is my history, so u can understand me better. Now for my questions.
I read about HST and i think it's a very interesting program with lots of thinking behind it and that is something i like. I've tried to make a full body schedule for myself but im a bit confused about the exercises:
-am i doing too much exercises?
-is the push/pull ratio ok?
-am i doing too much isolations?
-what will be the most effective exercises?

I mentioned i have a pull up bar. Before my diet i was unable to do 1 rep. Now i can do 3-4 reps, but when doing the negative i feel a bit of pain in my right shoulder. The pain comes from the Supraspinatus muscle. The strange thing is, when i do body rows with the training rings everything is fine. My theory is that my shoulder muscles are not strong enough and that too much force is going to the Supraspinatus muscle. So i want to train my main shoulder muscles first before im going to do pull ups again. Does that make sense or...?
Ok, here are the exercises i was planning to do:

Bench Press
Militairy press
Bent over row
Rear delt row
Calf Raise
Incline curl
Ring body row

I'm also in doubt, should i also add some wrist curls for my forearms, or is this not neccessary? I've read alot about all of this stuff, but now the more i read the more confused i get to make the right decisions what's best for me, so im asking here for some help. I really would like to train every muscle in my body but maybe i want too much... Im just super motivated... My wife has a great body and i want to repay her for all the fun i had with it... hehe ;) I want to train 3 times a week on monday, wednesday and friday. Should i really rest in the other days or can i do some light cardio or perhaps some light swimming once a week?
Thanks for reading this, really appreciate it. Looking forward to your advice.
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you can do a shrug at the top of the deadlift save you doing them sepperate,also b-o-r should hit your rear delts ok so drop the rear delt rows also,add in chins or pullups,your shoulder might be a problem because of your hand grip,try palms facing you,and palms facing away,also palms facing each other,and see how it goes.
yes cardio on none weight days is :cool:
you can do a shrug at the top of the deadlift save you doing them sepperate,also b-o-r should hit your rear delts ok so drop the rear delt rows also,add in chins or pullups,your shoulder might be a problem because of your hand grip,try palms facing you,and palms facing away,also palms facing each other,and see how it goes.
yes cardio on none weight days is :cool:

ok, tnx. Is the rest of the exercises ok? I've tried all grips on the bar, but same problem. I'll see how it goes. Maybe my grip is not tight enough. I don't have a problem with the shoulder with any other weight exercises.
Should i stick with 1 set for the 15's, 2 for the 10's and 3 for the 5's or is this too much with this number of exercises?
ok, tnx. Is the rest of the exercises ok? I've tried all grips on the bar, but same problem. I'll see how it goes. Maybe my grip is not tight enough. I don't have a problem with the shoulder with any other weight exercises.
Should i stick with 1 set for the 15's, 2 for the 10's and 3 for the 5's or is this too much with this number of exercises?

ok if your still having shoulder probs with different grips then drop them no probs.
that amount of sets is ok,if you find it hard just drop some of the isos.
ok if your still having shoulder probs with different grips then drop them no probs.
that amount of sets is ok,if you find it hard just drop some of the isos.
Ok, if it stays a problem i'll drop them. Too bad, its a great and fun exercise. Is it ok to do 3 squats and 3 deadlifts in a week or should i alternate them. Maybe in an A/B workout, where i can swap deadlifts with leg curls. Can i also do some alternating with the shoulder muscles or would it be bad for ultimate growth?
Ok, if it stays a problem i'll drop them. Too bad, its a great and fun exercise. Is it ok to do 3 squats and 3 deadlifts in a week or should i alternate them. Maybe in an A/B workout, where i can swap deadlifts with leg curls. Can i also do some alternating with the shoulder muscles or would it be bad for ultimate growth?

you can alternate deads/squats but i wouldnt do to much alternating on other muscle groups.
you can alternate deads/squats but i wouldnt do to much alternating on other muscle groups.
Tnx faz for your answers. I was reading some more on the forum to get more insights. How about this A/B routine?

Militairy press
bicep curl
wrist curl
calf raise
hanging leg raise

incline bench press
militairy press
skullcrusher or pullover? according to arnold a pullover gives a nice wide chest, but also works the triceps good.
reverse wrist curls
lateral raise
Ring rows
hanging knee side raise

any comments or advice on this routine? Is there an exercise that is too much? tnx.
looks ok wouldnt bother with the wrist curls though,your forearms will get enough work from the other exercises.
they used to think in arnies time that pullovers somehow stretched the ribcage giving you a bigger chest,but IMO pullover is more of a lat exercise.
ok, i wanted to choose between skullcrusher and a pullover for a tricep isolation. And with a pullover i also do the chest as a bonus. I always feel it very well in my triceps. Can't wait to get started tho. Tnx man.