

New Member
Hi everyone,

Im looking to start bodybuilding very soon.

Im 17 years old, looking to get bigger, and more strength.

Is HST routine for me? Should I do some cycles of HST then move onto a strength routine?

Any advice would be appreciated ~

(If I should do HST, any links on how to start making my regime, and how to get my maxes etc would be great)
Yes, HST will work good for you if you want size and strength. I really wish I would have had all this research at my disposal when I was 17. I started lifting when I was 16-17. I only feel enlightened since now finding HST at the age of 36.
I would spend some time reading in the faq section. Then feel free to ask when you have a question.;f=13

Hi Eternal!

Finding this site before you start means you are one of the lucky ones! Yes, you can start straight off with HST. However, I would recommend that you get a good grounding in performing a selection of exercises first - primarily the big compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, dips, bench press, bent-over rows, chins/pulldowns, shoulder press. You need to practice these movements before you start on an HST cycle. Whilst you will not be going really heavy at this stage, neveretheless, there is potential for injury if you do not have good form in any exercise involving weights.

So start off really light and for a month or so just get used to the various lifts. Work on your form. You will find that just balancing weights during an exercise can take a bit of gettting used to. Learn which muscles are being worked for each movement and spend this initiation time going over the HST-FAQs. You will learn how to set up a cycle and they will probably answer most of your questions. For anything you get stuck with just come back here are ask away!

Here are a few links to some exercise guides:

My How to Squat

How to Bench Press

How to Dip

There are heaps of others here:

Exercise & Muscle Directory

And be sure to check out the HST-FAQs:


There's also a downloadable pdf version here
Great advice from Lol.  Start easy, just learning the correct form and getting aclimated to working out.  There's a big difference between watching someone lift and actually doing it.  If you've never squatted or benched before, learning the balance and control to do these correctly without falling over, dropping the weights, or hurting yourself can take a few times.  Start light.  Don't be intimidated or embarrassed by the light weight you may be using.  I always say, "Check your ego at the door.  We all had to start somewhere."