Beginners Program


New Member
Hey guys,

I was a professional athlete for 6yrs, but have been out of action for over 2yrs and really need to gain some muscle back quick.

I know this might be asking a bit but can anyone please post up a good beginners program, 3 day split of course ;)

Jay - we don't promote split programs but whole body routine unless you train 2x/day and even then it would be whole body push/pull or upper/lower.

The Vanilla program on the main page is A-Ok for begginers
but if you want quick growth do the big five:


Maybe add DIPS and ROWS alternated with like exercises, alternate deads and squats each workout.

Find your 15/10/5 rep maxes, SD for 1 week.

Volume: 15 x 1/10 x 2/5 x 3 or 15 x 1/10 x 2 (week 1) and 10 x 1 (week 2)/5 x 3 (week 1) 5 x 2 or 1 (week 2)

If you have a partner go for negatives if not extend 5's to 4 weeks, progress slower, try to hit 3 RM or something like it!

That is basically it!
thanks, i understand that HST promotes a full body workout each session, but doing up to 10 exercises a session i just dont have time for. So for now those main 5 will do, and mix it up as i go?
Fausto's given you a good start and I think 5 exercises will be fine. I think alternating exercises between sessions will help you cover all the bases.

Personally I like picking 2 pulling and 2 pressing exercises (if you do chest, back shoulder then you end up with twice as many pressing movements).

So you could do as follows:

bench alternated with dips
chins wide grip with chins narrow
incline press with shoulder press
row to hip with row to chest

and then for legs possibly

squats with leg press
leg curl with stiff legged deads

ok that's 6 exercises! :-)

I actually just do normal deads in one session and then squats and curls in the other.

So that's pretty much as Fautso was saying, for progression etc then just follow the usual HST stuff as spelled out on the site.


Yep I think Rob helped out nicely here!

You got all you need covered, just alternate and follow the principles.
fausto's right. No need to do ten exercises per workout. A good workout to gain strength and size is to alternate the following MWF:

A: olympic squats, bench, 90 degree bent rows
B: deadlifts, dips, chins, OH press (standing)

OH press could be done both days though, or you could alternate with push presses.
hmmm, im a complete begginer, do you suggest i alternate excercises too? by the way whats "MWF" ?
MWF - Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Yep alternate, that way you get to do more exercises but you still have a simple workout, the only shlep is progression is then shared bewteen exercises, but that is no biggie.

A simple workout as per Liege is the best! Once you have gained what you need then you can start faffing around with isolations and techniques etc.