Bent over row pain


New Member
I have always done bent over row with my forehead supported until very recently. I read it was bad for your neck so I started doing it as on
Today was the first time I tried it and I got a pain in my lower abdomen probably about 3 inches below my navel on the right side, about halfway between my navel and my hip. It was not excruciating and I finished the set but it was quite sharp, although it didn't get any worse throughout the set.
Does anyone know what this might be? I fear it may be hernia related but I don't really know anything about it so I'm just guessing really.
Jazzer have it checked if it persists.

Hernia's sound very much like that and the exercise is not that much ab related although abs play a part in everything we do.
After getting checked to make sure you don't have a hernia try pulling to the navel with your torso up at a 45 degree angle instead of over at the 90 degree angle shown on the videos. Bend the knees slightly to take the pressure off the low back. Hold your breath and push your abdomen and back muscles out away from each other while keeping the chest out/shoulders back/and an arch in the low back, using your "built in lifting belt". This is our natural protection against hernias and back injury.
Well, I tried it again today with the same weight but I didn't get any problems so I will stick with this exercise and increase the weight really slowly. I think maybe it was a one off muscle spasm or something hopefully.
Cheers for your help,
I have a question on this exercise aswell, ive been experiencing a strange twitch like feeling at the top of my back near the bottom right of my traps that ive been wondering about. It'll only happen maybe once out of 15 reps & its not painful or sharp or anything...feels kinda similar to a static shock or something & only happens when im doing bent over rows and have my shoulders pulled back and contracted as im lifting the weight. Just wondering if anyone has experienced something similar or might know what it is?
If it feels "electric" you are likely impinging a nerve at the position you feel the sensation in.

Be very careful and experiment with lighter weights to find a way to do them without this happening. Perhaps all the way over at 90 degrees, perhaps up at 45 degrees.

Some people even do best at this doing a "dynamic row" as described by the 5x5 dudes - from the floor - pulling quickly ending up even higher than 45 degrees at the top...I am not one of those people.

If you can't find the best way to make it work for you, consider switching to a T-bar or sticking with pullups.

Maybe a simple chiropractic adjustment or some stretching will help.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Today was the first time I tried it and I got a pain in my lower abdomen probably about 3 inches below my navel on the right side, about halfway between my navel and my hip. It was not excruciating and I finished the set but it was quite sharp, although it didn't get any worse throughout the set.</div>

The minute you felt pain you should have stopped immediately.

It always amazes me when BB feel pain they always try to finish the set, like that's some big accomplishment or other.

Whenever you're in pain or bleeding thats about as loud as your body will tell you to STOP.

All you've gotta do is stop and regroup. Pain in an exercise can knock you out for months of training on that muscle group. You might do workarounds, but on large muscles it can be very difficult.

Personally, I do heavy rows on the Hammer Strength machine and it's great. I have much less chance of injury, because I'm not handling the weight in any controllable ranges. I can also pour on the pounds and my body gets the full benefit of the exercise.