Best HST ab exercises


New Member
Does anyone have an opinion on whats ab exercises are best to get a good increase in load throughout the cycle?

I've been doing weighted sit ups, but I've found as the weight has been getting heavier my lower back and quads seem to be feeling the strain more than the abs.

I was thinking of some possibilites with the cable machine or weighted hanging leg raises???
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try out decline dumbell crunches ----- lie on a decline bench with a dumbell on chest and do a crunch try not to touch your back on bench when u go back down to keep tension on abs
I don't squat or dead lift. Leg Press and SLDL are all I can manage at my gym but I do military press. Don't have weighted ab machine either. Unfortunately no decline bench either! but it's a work gym and it's free!! there is a decent cable machine and pull up bars and plenty of dumbells and plates.

The reason I want to hit abs is because last time I cut to 10% BF everywhere bar my stomach was ripped and I want to make sure this year I'm seeing some abs.
just vary the exercises each workout, i.e swiss ball crunchesknee raisesleg lifts decline crunches and remember to squat and deadlift :)
You do understand that for this type of training you are supposed to increase the load over the entire cycle. This can truly only be done by repeating the SAME exercise. I again suggest you read up before posting such nonsense!

Just to add kneeling cable crunches are perfect, cheers stealth!
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Hey, be nice. We all come here to learn. Some are newer than others.

But yeah, it's good to keep the same exercise and increase the weight.
I used cable crunches and weighted hanging leg raises alternatively last cycle and it worked pretty good. Going to do the same next cycle but will lower the weights on hanging leg raises this time and just go slower. Pulled my groin muscle and thought I reinjured my old hernia