best way to increase weights - zig zag or not ?


New Member
hi i was thinking about the zig zag element built into vanilla hst.

as it stands vanilla seems to be more beneficial for strength due to the zig zag, as your cns isn't worked as hard due to built in recovery at the start of the blocks, and also less of a metabolic effect from the lower possible reps at the early workouts of a particular block.

however for hypertrophy it seems better to lower the reps 1 at a time as you increase the weight each workout. like this:

wo1= 15 reps @ 100
wo2= 14 reps @ 105
wo3=13 reps @ 110
wo4= 12reps @115
wo5= 11 reps @120
wo6=10reps @125
wo7=9reps @ 130

this will help get the most hypertrophy possible due to increased metabolic effect from each workout, at the expense of possible strength gains.

or am i way off base here ?

vanilla hst article touches on this but doesn't go into detail.

thank you
If you are new to HST, try it with zig-zag. I made great progress doing this for well over a year before I changed things up a bit. If I'm doing a regular HST cycle, I'll always keep some zig-zag between each two-week block.

There's quite a bit of info in the FAQs on this (I think). Did you check it out?