best way to recover from injury


New Member
i have been dealing with a shoulder injury for over a month now. i have not been doing any direct shoulder exercises since, but obviously they are still used in a variety of other upper body exercises.

i just did a 7 day sd, and did a light day of 15s today. unfortunately, the injury is still present. obviously the sd didnt help, and not doing direct shoulder work didnt help. therefore, today i tried doing bb shoulder presses with no weight on the bar, 3 sets of 15x. normally i would 15RM at around 135lbs, but even the 45lb bar alone feels uncomfortable.

what does everyone think? light wieght direct shoulder work or no direct work at all? i cant sd anymore ill go crazy and get too discouraged by losing more muscle.
I have had a bad shoulder problem and injury.

Only 2 things to do...if it is not too serious dont worry about seeing doctor...but if it is well see one, however I am sure you know that.

But to anwer your question, I have the exact answer.

Use light weight maybe your 15 to 20 rep max and do it on machines.

Hammer strength is great if you have those available.
no machines available, i have a great home gym, but i keep to free weights.

that's what i was planning on trying for the next couple of weeks. thanks for the input.
I had a real niggling shoulder pain when I first started HST. It hurt during presses and bench press. After SD it was at its worst. I did as many light reps as poss during the 15s and by the end of the 2nd week it was starting to improve a lot.

I was careful to warm up the shoulder area really well for the rest of the cycle and I was able to push the weights up quite well. 2nd cycle things started out well but I found that I started to get pains again using the Smith machine for presses once I reached the 5s. I think I may have started to load the weight on too soon.

I've switched to using a bar and free weights for my presses this cycle and the 15s are working their magic again. The movement seems much more natural and the pain has diminished each w/o. I'm hoping that when I get to the heavier end of the cycle that the pain won't return. I'll let you know how I get on.
You are always told to stop if it hurts.

However afte SD my old shoulder pain hurts a lot but after a week or too it gets better.

Since you dont have access to machines just add and extra week of 15's, and maybe even up the frequency a seems sometimes the quicker you get back into it the better you are.

Kind of the use it or loss it mentality of rehab.

Hope this helps?
Before doing anything else, have your shoulder checked by a doctor.
Don´t F*#+ around with GUESSING what is wrong and GUESSING how to
get around the pain with this or that movement. Just get it checked and then go from there.