Bigger arms halfway through SD?


New Member
I'm halfway through SD now, before starting my first HST cycle. Strangely enough, I've been noticing that my arms seem somewhat bigger than they did before starting SD. I never measure anything ;) so I can't really compare, but when looking in the mirror (by accident, of course) they definitely seem bigger.

Can there be some logical explanation behind this? Otherwise it's probably just wishful thinking...

/ R
[b said:
Quote[/b] ] Can there be some logical explanation behind this? Otherwise it's probably just wishful thinking...

That simply meant your glycogen stores weren't replenished enough during all your training, either due to diet or too much training. So when you took time off from training, they had all the time to be fully replenished, and hence seem bigger.

Probably to much training in that case - or "intensity". I have most likely been doing way to many sets and going to close to failure most of the time. During SD I have only been doing some light cardio.

Will start HST on monday, will be interesting to see how it works out.

/ R
That often happens to me. Gains I make aren't really always noticeable until I've carbed up.
this happened to me the other week. I had a couple of days off (unintentionally), by the 2nd day my arms looked fuller.

I have been doing a 5-6x a week lifting schedule for cutting.

the glycogen depletion theory makes complete sense!