Bigger Biceps a HST book

Turk Malloy

New Member
Some people beginning to lift weights are primarily interested in making their biceps bigger.

whether they are trying to sculpt their body using weights to the 'grecian ideal' which Eugen Sandow and Steve Reeves were strong advocates.

grecian ideal chart
grecian ideal calculator

which require larger than usual biceps.

In fact the main promotion of other training programs is their ability to build bigger biceps.
EDT Massive arms
Arthur Jones (H.I.T. ?) 1 inch biceps Is it even possible to gain an inch or half an inch in a workout?

and to those naysayers who say you cant make your arms bigger than your body check out the stats of:
Jack Johnson: Chest 36 inches Biceps 16 inches
Jack Johnson's Stats and others

I believe a bigger bicep HST workout book or pdf would gather a lot more interest in HST.
Sadly, it would also make little sense and would be against what HST stands for. All of these quick-fix things are mostly smoke&mirrors. AJ's method of getting 1 inch on the biceps was actually a clever trick, nothing more. HST is hardly that kind of trick, it`s simply a system based on the knowledge we have at the moment with regard to hypertrophy, trying to obtain a systemic optimum by tweaking the factors that are known to affect hypertrophy.

What would a book named HST biceps contain?About half a page that says:use mechanical load in a progressive fashion on a frequent enough basis for 6-8 weeks and decondition for 9-14 days before starting again. The biceps isn`t some magical muscle that grows differently from the rest of your body.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Arthur Jones (H.I.T. ?) 1 inch biceps Is it even possible to gain an inch or half an inch in a workout?</div>

Nice that he uses rest (SD? -- not quite, but interesting). Other than that, this article is all about the temporary pump. Anyone can grow that in thier biceps in one day. It will be gone one or two days later.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I believe a bigger bicep HST workout book or pdf would gather a lot more interest in HST. </div>

Quite frankly, we don't care, if you just hang around a while you'll see what type of forum we are, we don't have &quot;fake&quot; catch tricks like AJ and the others.

This site is about science and getting things done, in fact if you will notice we promote and justify that if you want bigger biceps, you do compounds such as squats/deadlifts/dips/chinups and military presses, what some of us would call the big five, these will make you grow all over (including biceps).

In fact to gain an inch in youor arms you have to put on 15 pounds of mass, preferably lean not with lard
so much for Arthur Jones 1&quot; arm workout.
I have found that having my wife pummel my biceps with a mallet for all her weak and puny little body is worth , for just ten - fifteen minutes results in measurable size increases by the next day...
I dont understand the need for a book specific to biceps.

The &quot;principles&quot; are universal, the exercises you select and the muscles they target are up to the viewer.

Your right though, many people would buy the book, even if you told them the info is free right here.

Are 16&quot; arms big?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Are 16&quot; arms big?</div>

Depends on your height... but 16&quot; arms are decent size.
&quot;THE INCREDIBLE HULKING CHEST&quot; -the key to hypertrophying your pecs/lats and traps.

...Now that is a book I would buy! My ideal physique is a huge upper torso, (probably because my chest has always been a weak area!)

If there was ever a ARMS book, this guy should be on the cover!
Jack Johnson's arms are SMALL! 16&quot; and the guy is 6'1&quot;+.
What!? I am 6'+, have 16&quot; arms and my arms do not look that big, my chest is only 44 and my arms still don't look that big.

Jack Johnson is a poor example of arms...check out Lee Priest above, now THOSE ARE BIG ARMS!
Thank you for your replys, and thank you for not flamming me too much.
I see all everyones point of view now and generally agree.

Thanks again for the well thought out replys.
i tend to agree that johnson's 16&quot; arms arent very impressive,but bare in mind these are ripped measurments.
Tyson's arms 16&quot; at 218 ripped? are these measurements &quot;at their prime?&quot;

neck 19&quot;+ yeah I can see that, but only 16&quot; Bi's  
I hope my arms don't shrink to that. I don't consider my 17's very big. Abnormal, but we're ALL abnormal! That's why we do what we do.
Nobody mentioned genetics.
Here is an entertaining 'arm size chart' I made up...

For 5'10&quot;+ guy...
under 13&quot;- starved
13&quot;- 14&quot;-small
19&quot;+    -freak on roids.

...For shorter guys you can subtract a bit from these depending on your height.
(scientific muscle @ Apr. 21 2007,09:37)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Here is an entertaining 'arm size chart' I made up...

For 5'10&quot;+ guy...
under 13&quot;- starved
13&quot;- 14&quot;-small
19&quot;+    -freak on roids.

...For shorter guys you can subtract a bit from these depending on your height.</div>
Interesting.... so @ 5'11&quot; 1/2, w/ 18+ I would be considered freaky? The thing is I have long limbs average torso length so I really dont percieve myself as even huge - big maybe....... I know it was just for fun tho!

   A LOT of my size comes from the tri's.....I have no &quot;peak&quot; to speak of and in relation to the original post I've built what I do have with the most basic compounds practically &quot;powerlifter&quot; type exersizes and have yet to do a single curl or chin.To be balanced- I do tend to sit @ 15-20% BF and that alones gotta add an inch by itself!
I have lost 28lbs since the beginning of January along with a bit of strength. What's interesting is that my upper arms have only reduced from 17&quot; down to 16.25&quot;. So they haven't lost a great deal of size compared with the amount of total bodyweight I've lost. I have also gained a better looking bicep peak as the fat has melted away. They're still not great but they look better which is

Whilst it does seem that to gain an inch on your arms you need to add around 15lbs to your bodyweight, this is only an approximation and it certainly doesn't mean that you will lose an inch for every 15lbs of bodyweight you lose.