Body Pump and HST?


New Member
I would like to start doing HST to increase muscle. As well as various forms of cardio, I currently do a Body Pump class each week (very high rep to exhaust each muscle group from largest to smallest). Would this interfere with HST? I'm guessing yes, but hoping no, as I really enjoy the class. Since the weights are light enough to allow for the really high reps, I'm hoping it won't interfere??
Body Pump, as well as cardio, can interfere with building muscle under any program. It all depends on what you want from a training program. It is hard to accomplish many things at once. However, HST would still build lean body mass for you even using body pump if you eat enough of the proper food and don't overtrain your muscles. I would suggest perhaps a relative short program consisting of basic compound movements such as ;

Incline Bench Press or dips
Chin ups or Lat Pull Downs
Military Press
Squats or deadlifts
Straight legged deadlifts

Because of your Body Pump training, I would skip the 15 rep weeks and go right to the 10's or perhaps weeks of 12, 8 and 5 reps.

The more you do, the more you need to eat. Try and stick with protein, good fats and complex carbs to the extent that you can.

Best of luck Cat!
(Ah, the older and wiser one beat me to it!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm hoping it won't interfere??</div>
It all depends...  

It sounds to me as if you do a fair bit of cardio altogether. Unless you are starting with a fairly high bodyfat ratio (which I somehow doubt), making gains in muscle mass will be pretty darn difficult with all that cardio going on.

Ultimately, it will be down to how many calories you are burning compared with how many you are consuming. You'll need to have a surplus of calories in order to grow. Too much cardio will make this more difficult but obviously not impossible if you eat enough.

Work out how much you need to consume to maintain your bodyweight with all that cardio and then add 2-300 hundred calories on top of that value. Bear in mind that it is very difficult to add lean body mass without some fat, but keep an eye on things (and use the scales) and adjust your food intake accordingly.

If you haven't done any heavyish lifting before (ie. 10 rep down to 5 rep loads) you will need to take a month or so to really learn good form and get into the groove for each exercise that you do. As I'm sure you are aware, lifting can be dangerous so learning proper form is essential, especially in things like squats and deadlifts where you will be able to lift the most weight.

Once you are underway, you will no doubt find that you make some quick strength gains as your body adapts to lifting, but real muscle growth will take somewhat longer.
you could do 2 HST sessions a week instead of you could keep the bodypump in as another weights session.
so you still follow HST pricipals but instead of three 2wk mini have three 3wk mini cycles.
3wks 15s
3wks 10s
3wks 5s
and or 3wks negs or 5s maxes
good luck