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i just got a question.
i mean, if hst is so well designed and researched for mass... then why dont i see that many pro bodybuilders using hst? they all seem to do the usual one group per day, once or twice a week. does it just not satisfy them...

and i also noticed going through a lot of the bodybuilder of the week from, and all of them seem to do about one group a day.

im on my second cycle now, and i think it works fine.
The bodybuilders prefer to do one body part per day because of steroids. It allows them to work each muscle harder and tear it down more because the roids are going to rebuild it.

If I remember correctly, full body workouts were always the thing until the 70's when Joe Weider and his magazine hit it big. The problem occurs when non-steroid users try to emulate and do the same workout as someone who is on steroids. The natural guy will always end up overtraining.

I have some friends who are not users and insist on doing one body part per day. It's what works for them and it's what they like. I on the other hand have found that I prefer full body workouts. So when it comes right down to it, I believe you just have to try new things until you find what's right for you and your body.

Just my opinion.
I also believe that it's the old paradym shift problem. Folks typically don't like change. I'll be honest, when I first came across HST, I thought it was nonsense! It took me a minute to shift my paradyms and realize that it made more sense than anything I'd ever done!

I came across it because I had been away from the gym since the early 90's - when I was a competitive, state-ranked powerlifter. I wanted to "see" what had changed, and what the latest science was saying. Hence, I found HST - thank God!

I am a third of the way into my third HST cycle and have to say that these are the best gains I've ever made. However, when I try and talk to anyone that has ANY gym "experience", they give me the old "deer in the headlights" look, and don't believe it.

But, then, when they ask me if I'm on steroids, due to my growth, I say, "No, I'm on HST"!
Drugs...are a powerful thing.

This is not always the answer but it is the majority of the answer for 99% of them!

If you don't believe me google people like Tom Prince..he was a beast back in the Im as big as him!

So drugs help many many people....TRUTH be told its really....REALLY hard for the average guy to get above 200 pounds and be at competition level bodybuilding being all natural!
as long as your diet is good,even lifting randomly can make you grow.
the thing about HST is it is scientifically thought out,increased load,fatigue managment,etc is all in the principals.
(dkave @ Dec. 28 2008,10:27)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">i just got a question.
i mean, if hst is so well designed and researched for mass... then why dont i see that many pro bodybuilders using hst? they all seem to do the usual one group per day, once or twice a week. does it just not satisfy them...

and i also noticed going through a lot of the bodybuilder of the week from, and all of them seem to do about one group a day.

im on my second cycle now, and i think it works fine.</div>
There is a huge difference in the genetic potential of your typical IFBB pro and all of us on this forum.  I recall Bob Chicherillo, who was really not hugely successful as an IFBB pro (also took him quite a long time to get his pro card), had 20 inch arms at a bodyfat percentage of 8% and height of 6' before he even started using drugs.  Who here has that kind of potential?  

Even after you throw steroids into the mix, everyone responds differently to them.  A guy like Kevin Levrone blows up like the Hulk while others may only  get slightly larger &amp; leaner using the same drugs &amp; dosages.

When you have those types of genes working for you the whole game changes.  Decreased risk of overtraining, more energy, triceps grow 1/8&quot; everytime you wipe your ***, etc. etc.   You'll just keep on doing what has always worked in the past (which for many of those dudes is almost anything).  Most guys who wander into this forum are guys who have total crap genetics, or getting old and become overtrained easily (me), and need to find the most efficient way of putting on muscle or they risk not putting any on at all.
Well maybe some of us here had good genetics in the forum, some have not so good genetics and I am one who doesn't have one or else I don't keep on asking and posting topics here on this forum.. Remember that genetics is always a factor in building more strength and muscle but as far as our individual bodybuilding success is concerned hard work, dedication, and planning is a must and HST answers that part of the equation since HST programs are not based on tradition, instinct, common sense whatsoever, it is based on scientific evidence on a cellular level measured on laboratories at the same time gym tested.. On what had Bryan said HST is not born overnight, years of arduous research has been allotted on completing the principles of this great program, not just a program but an entire new concept and approach when it comes to building more muscle.. HST is no bullshit, plain and simple, it WORKS big time especially on us who are so-called the genetically average or below average dudes.. Now speaking of IFBB bodybuilders such as Ronnie Coleman, Johnnie Jackson, Kevin Levrone, Jay Cutler etc etc how do these guys become so freaking big and strong as hell? Well they can admit to the superior and excellent genetics thats 1, maybe the drug use and diet thats two, and lastly the years of dedication and hard work, remember their jobs are pro bodybuilders and they will sacrifice anything just to add more muscle size/mass.. But the fact is we are not them period.. Now getting back to the HST program as I've mentioned earlier its no BS, very straightforward, clearly explained in every detail so all we have to do to make most out of it and unlock the best muscle gains of our life is to do it, apply it plain and simple, follow the program with an unbreakable faith and the rewards will pay off in dividends.. Remember we are all different but we can be the best shape that we can be through HST.. If there are some obstacles that are hindering you in following the HST program such as you have poor recovery capabilities due to stressful life etc, the program can be modified easily without changing principles such as Simplify and Win HST program which only deal with the basics.. I personally like that program for it avoids me on burning out in the gym the principles applied are the same.. As for what I have to say with these people in the thread, these are the living testimonies that HST works and they are happy.. They put faith on what they do, stay focus, work smart and hard, keep their minds and hearts open and have great results..
Go over to Lyle's forum (the mean one) and check out Tommy Jeffers' log. He's a natty with better than average genetics. He's around 225lb right now, pre-contest weight. His training is not set up exactly like an HST cycle but he adheres to many of the HST principles and has made some great progress.

Also, check out Lyle's take on hypertrophy programs:

I think it's a pretty balanced view.

HST works even if you have limited potential (ie. you have average genetics like me) as long as you adhere to the basic principles. Bottom line is that you have to add weight to the bar over time if you want to grow; HST gives you a pretty sound way to accomplish this.
i personally just think hst isnt that popular enough, specially compared to simply doing one group a day.
For me there was a need to evolve my training as I progressed over several years. As I became stronger and larger the need for longer recovery and more stimulous to keep making gains became apparent to me to make the fastest gains possible.

I started out on a full body routine, 5x5 to be exact. After a few years of this routine I no longer progressed as quickly as I would like. I used a fully periodized approach with tapering. The only shocking methods used were heavy negatives and partials. This was strength specific training for a powerlifter.

It was suggested to me by training partners to switch to a two day split where I then worked each body part twice a week instead. I was able to increase my training volume per session slightly and give myself more rest days for recovery. At this point I used a push/pull split with a heavy/light, light/heavy layout Mon/Tues, Thurs/Fri. On heavy days I would use negatives and partials. Light days I would do forced reps and drop sets. This again produced good results for me. At this point I was mixing strength training with hypertrophy specific training. I had to increase the size of my muscles if I were to continue to make strength gains. I still would cycle back to the 5x5 every 8 week cycle or two for strength maintenance.

At my biggest and strongest point when I was a bit younger I had to evolve my training yet again as progress slowed. At this point I switched to a full body split on the advise of some veteran lifters. And again I realized faster size gains. I used a five day per week split with weekends off. Volume was very high and I incorporated many different shocking techniques. I was in such a condition that I needed the extra stimulation to make size gains. The very high intensity of the work required a much longer recovery period. Since my primary focus was powerlifting I would still cycle back to the 5x5 to continue my strength training. The fullbody split at this point was the best solution for me to continue increasing my size.

The point of this history of my youth is this, many bodybuilders will state that a full body split is the way to go simply because at this point in their training that is what is required to continue to see size gains. Many of these guys still switch back to full body routines, DC, or even two day splits during the off season for the purpose of strength training. They still want to use as heavy a weight as possible while training for hypertrophy. If you asked them for a historical view of their training I bet you would see that there was an evolution to the split similar what I had.

You dont have to stay the course with only one routine. What works best can change as you change over the course of time. Do what works the best to realize your particular goals at that moment in time. What works best for an advanced lifter is not always the best solution for a beginner or intermediate even.

My goals are different now that I am older. I want to maintain my strength as it is and continue to reclaim some of my size I had when I was younger while becoming leaner. HST is now a staple in my program because it works. I still cycle back to a split routine with high volume and even the occasional 5x5 for strength. My goals are different now and the variety is more important to me than the shortest path to realization of becoming the biggest and strongest I can be. I left that behind me in my younger days.

I believe HST can be used to take a new trainer well on there way to an advanced trainer but eventually you will need evolve to use more intensity with greater recovery periods to reach your absolute maximum size. There comes a point where intensity trumps frequency. So yes, there is a reason that the really big guys are training this way. It just isnt neccessarily the best course for a guy just starting out.

Try the other approaches out and see what works if you have doubts. Log your results so you can make good evaluations as to what works. Work hard, be consistant,. And as always...
I see Wildmans point. I have cycled through a lot of different routines in my competitive years.

To compensate for the heavier load, being older, and getting enough rest, I've changed the HST &quot;week&quot; from M-W-F to three &quot;working out days&quot; I now put two complete days off between workouts and continue my total cycle.  In other words, a &quot;week&quot; is the three planned workouts for a traditional &quot;week&quot;, but with extra days off built in. It now looks like this:


5'S WEEK 1

MON - HST total body
TUE - off
WED - off
THU - HST total body
FRI - off
SAT - off
SUN - HST total body
MON - off
TUE - off

5'S WEEK 2

WED- HST total body
THU - off
FRI - off
SAT - HST total body
SUN - off
MON - off
TUE - HST total body


This way I can do a little more volume on heavy workdays and still get ample of re-couperation time.  I did a similar type of rotation in my heaviest powerlifting days and had great results.
My workouts look exactly like MasterCFI's. For whatever reason even at age 32 my body can't handle the heavy HST every other day.

On the other hand, when I'm in the lighter phases I'll skip the 2nd day off at the end of the week and continue on with every other day.

I've learned the best thing you can do is listen to your body. If you listen and know what it's saying, it will tell you everything you need to know.
yea thats a huge point.

ive been lifting for about 2 years now, but only recently started getting the idea of what works for my body. liftings fun.

and thanks for your responses