Bodyfat question


Active Member
Ok guys have a good question for you...and I did a search and nothing came up to answer this.

I have recently got through my cut. My calipers show I am at 8.8 %.

The nurse calipers at work show a little over 7 %.

Either way my bodyfat is pretty low right now.

Now here is were my question comes into abs are showing good...You can see them good, but I lack proper ab developement so I need to train them more...also with my abs showing through good I still have some small love handles on the side of my waist that hang over the shorts just a little.

Now with my abs showing from a front view of my stomach...I appear very lean, but the sides are a stubborn area.

I know it is not possible to "SPOT" reduce however would training that area make a difference.

I know it would not reduce fat in just that area however if the muscle underneath...which would be obliques grow larger would this make the extra fat go away?

Would having larger abs show through better?

I ask this only b/c I have to get really lean to have my abs my stomach gets flat way before the abs come into play...and I know others who are at way higher bodyfats and even look to a have a pooch but there abs show.

I am guess this is b/c they have larger abs or better growth there correct?

Thanks for any input with such an odd question.
training the obliques would make the waist even thicker.Remember fat covers the muscle.

Larger abs would become a nuisance later in life.Those who have pooch but still have abs is probably due to they have too much visceral fat, thus pushing out the abs.
Guys on another board were talking about something that I think is called Lipodissolve. They are injections done in very small areas that dissolve fat for good. Do a search for it and see if there is a doc in your area that does it. Sounds like you would be a perfect candidate.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">They are injections done in very small areas that dissolve fat for good.</div>

Not convinced, research???

Joe, do some ab routines including the russian twists you should be fine, what you have cannot be much fat anyways
That stuff is mostly used for fat under eyelids, etc. It probably isn't a good idea to mess with it for large areas. You'd be better off getting lipo if you want to permenantly remove the fat from your abdomen and obliques.
No lipo for me...the hell with that.

I know the abs are all one muscle...however I am going to start hitting them from every angle possible and see if that works.

I guess its possible it could work.
Oh also to add...I think I would look kind of crazy walking into a doctors office asking for lipo at 6 feet 180 and single digit bodyfat?
Spyke, that is not research for starters!

And...have you seen the candidates?
C'mon dude, it is HST we are talking about these type of things do not go hand in hand IMO!


I am attaching something for you! Simple and...effective!

I would not add weights to ab routines though! Just a thought!