Both shoulder pain - Help!


New Member
Read all possible article on shoulder pain...

Let's say I'm in in SD period (one week and going for another). I didn't followed a HST program last months but will start in a week. Last 3 months I did a kind of hard work and weights program, probably too much. I'm 40 and daily workouts were around 2 hours and 6 times per week...big mistakes...

Shoulder history:
- Started feeling some clickings during the last month of workouts (Smith machine incline presses and with upright rows). Clickings but no pain, so I didn't actually worried about.
- In that period, some pain started during the night and I really felt it when waking-up, especially in the shoulder side in which I was slipping over. However, pain was going away during the day and workouts.
- Stopped one week ago for SD (or a kind, 'cause I was not in an HST). Pain started to gradually increase, first in the left shoulder, 2 or 3 days after sttopage and increasing... then also started in the right shoulder. Now, after one week of sttopage pain is in both shoulder, almost equally.
- When I raise the arms comes some medium pain, moving a little down in bicep direction, especially if I do a front raise. Pain is almost absence in the lateral raise - all with no weights.
- If I imitate the shoulder press movement, there comes the shoulder "clickings")
- Pain is in the area from middle shoulder to the front, not to the back.
- Now, it is a kind of constant small burning, sometimes even if doing nothing, in both shoulders. Comes and goes.

With these clews can you say something about this?

I'm starting HST cycle in a week (after 2 weeks SD) and based in what I read in this forum, people actually work with this pain, avoiding some exercises such as bench presses, overhead presses, barbell or DB and upright rows (Incline Smith machine presses?). I think that's I'll try to do.
another question is, should I rotate lateral and front raises, if no pain of course, to hit different areas of shoulder? However, I'm veru concerned about this pain in the soulders...

My HST next program:

Dumbbel Bench Press
Leg Press
Weighted Bench Dips
One Arm Dumbell Row
Cable Scrugs
Lateral Raises / Front Raises?
EZ Bar Curls
Tri Lying

Dumbbel Bench Press
Leg Curls
Weighted Bench Dips
Elavated Cable Row
Cable Scrugs
Lateral Raises / Front Raises?
Seated Zottman Curls
Tri Lying

(PS: no heavy leg and back stress exercises - squats, deadlifts... - because I play soccer in veterans championship)

Tks for your attention
1) Keep out of the Shirley Machine for squats and bench press. It forces you into an artificial lift path. Normal squat and bench takes the bar on a curved path; the Shirley Machine forces you to go straight up and down. The result can be an injury.

2) Overhead lifts may sometimes cause a shoulder impingement. Eventually this may require surgery to repair. It's worth a trip to a physician for an examination (preferably a Sports Medicine doctor -- somebody who understands lifting).
Take TRs advice about seeing an appropriate doctor. Just to many lifts involve the shoulders to take any chances. It may be he can recommend specific exercises to help your shoulders.

Adding to what TR said about ROM and machines I’ve found my shoulders are much more comfortable with DB exercises than BB.
I had pain (and clicking) in my left shoulder for quite some time. Dull pain that would sometime sting doing certain motions (like shutting a car door). Pain was front of shoulder down to the side of my arm

After 10 days of SD and almost 4 weeks of HST the pain is completely gone. I have dropped all barbell benching, chest flys, and upright rows. I think one of those 3 were the culprit. I still do DB bench and BB should press now with no problem.

<O:pAs far as benching on the smith machine, I 100% agree with the above post. I tried it once and it tore the hell outta my shoulder. The range of motion is horrible.
Tks People,

After 16 days of SD, I started today my first HST program. Shoulder pain was progressevly gone during SD. Now I still have something, but will follow your tips regarding staying away from some exercises and equipments and let's see...

By the way, this 15's feel really strange...

Thanks again