Brand new could use some quick tips for tomorrows workout :)


New Member
Hi guys, im brand new to the whole HST training. A little about myself I did max-ot back 3 years ago, had some pretty decent gains, ended up hurting both rotator cuffs in both of my shoulders during a bench press.(IF only i had the knowledge of rear delts) Ive been on and off since then always having some reoccuring pain in my shoulder, up until recently my shoulders been getting more healthy but still not as strong as they use to be. The fact that HST uses 15 rep ranges is great for my tendons. if anyone has any suppliments good for tendon feel free to let me know ive been considering the ON Fish oil suppliments.

Anyways ive been working out for the past 3 weeks using really light weight, with high reps of 12-15 for alll my workouts and getting sore from it and feeling good no shoulder pain. now just a few days ago I found HST, been trying to cram as much info as possible but still a little confused, had my first workout 2 days ago. I was a bit confused and ill tell you why.... heres my first workout.

First day
Legs Squat 2x15 45 pound bar.
Stiff legged Dead lift 2x15 45lb bar,
Incline Bench 2x15 20lb dumbell
Dips 1x15 (had weight help push me up type machine)
Chins 2x15 Same machine
Rows 2x15 20lb dumbell.
Shrugs 1x15 20lb
Shoulder press 1x15... 7.5lb dumbel
Lateral Raise 1x15 2.5lb dumbell
Rear Dealt 1x15 2.5lb
Dumbell Curl 2x15 7.5lb dumbell......I didnt feel anything whatsoever, kinda felt like a waste of time, this is my question.
Skull Crusher 2x15 7,5lb dumbell
Calf Raise didnt do it my calves are huge enough already
Abs 2x15 70lb pulley towards ground.

Ok my weights are really light but id rather be safe than sorry starting out, my question is really with the dumbell curl and Skull crusher.Although my max reps is about 15 pound dumbell for 15 reps, and 30 pound bar for 15 reps, my question is, the first day i only had 7.5lb Dumbell in my hands, and when i curled seem like a waste of time, so im wondering if there are times where you should cheat up the weight if you dont feel anything?

How should i feel when i do my 15s? Should I feel a pump? should i feel any fatigue?

Well appreciate your time and help thanks hopefully I can get an answer before tomorrows workout :)

BTW my job requires that i walk ALL day. So im a bit worried about my gains because i know Ill be burning a ton of calories from my workout then work ...maybe theres a way to split the workout thatll be equally effective and easier on my body burning so many calories? maybe split the workout and do each part every day of the week? If not then ill just start pounding in on more food.
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Hi PurpleDays. Wellcome to HST.
I'll try and answer the "Dumbell Curl" question first, as it seems you've made some miscalculations:
If your 15RM is 15lb, 7.5lb is to little. You shouldn't go for more than a 5% progression. This equals 75%RM for your first session, which, for your Dumbell Curls, is about 11lb

Next your "waste of time" and "How should i feel" question:
How you feel durring the individual sessions is rather uninteresting. It presents no real indication of effectiveness.

If you test RM's (instead of estimating), plan out your cycle right and eat right, it will be effective no matter how you perceive the intensity.
Of course, working @75% max will feel less intens than going all out, but don't worry about that.. Determine your effectiveness by looking at your gains.
A spicific note: If you workouts prior to this cycle matched or exeeded your 15 reps cycle and you did not SD.
It might in fact be ineffective as far as mucle gains go.

Some by-feel pointers you should use are:
- How tired do you feel. If you accumulate fatigue, can't seem to recover for your next workout and/or you are loosing strength. You are doing to much.
- On the other hand, if you feel no impact at all, never sore, never tired you might be doing to little.
Some accumulated fatigue throughout the cycle is Ok though, as there will be breaks. From the SD, and the submax weights.
- Do not make these judgements on the basis of one or two sessions.

Also remember, that the point of the 15's is not mucle gain per se. They are ment to address the problems, you yourself, have experienced with your joints. It even seems you have discovered the effectiveness already.

Reguarding splits, yes you can do that, no problem. I'd take the path of covering calloric deficiency, though. At least for the first cycle, to avoid adding complexity to your rutine.

For tendons/joints: Fishoil and Glutamine should be good.
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Thanks a lot man for making this make a lot more sense. I was adding 5 pounds per session to meet my 15RM, instead of adding 5% of 15RM. Thanks man you sure saved me A LOT of trouble to figure out later on.