Breaks between sets


New Member

and in the one I mentioned last i read that when training for mass you should have no longer breaks than 45 seconds or less between sets due to something about accumulation of lactic acid when using high reps and that this is to be persued..

but how is this possible when squatting with a bit of weights on the bar?
Should the weights be adjusted so that you can have short breaks even though it means a great deal less weight?

Damn, Im really confused!
That is an old idea which does not hold water. I have read that elsewhere, "you need to minimize rest for hypertrophy" BULL. There is very little difference between strength and hypertrophy training. Just rest as long as it takes you to recover strength. Minimizing rest will not accomplish much except endurance, and lactic acid as far as we know is NOT related to hypertrophy.
I respect Rippetoe alot, great coach. But obviously he has some weird ideas about training for mass if that is what he is recommending. Short rest between sets will usually limit your strength and limiting load is a BAD thing when training for mass.
I'm re-reading PP now actually. while Mark R. has forgotten more than I'll ever know, I don't follow that piece of advice. in my mind, shorter rest generally equals less weight & lifting more weight (in the same rep range) generally equals bigger muscles. I figure it's a wash.
thanks for the replies.

I couldn`t see the reason for using short breaks, since that would mean less weight on the bar...

but one more thing..

The only other difference between training for hypertrophy other than strenght in his opinion was:

- Highher rep range 10-12
- lower intensity
- more sets

And if I figured it right, then this is only because it would mean more total workload per workout, which in turn would mean more musclefiber breakdown which again would mean more hypertrophy.. Am I right?

Probably a newbie question