build muscle AND burn fat


Active Member
(siiiiiigh) i keep askin this question don't i... lol

truuue or not true. probably not but why would this person lie so very much:

My muscle mass increased and my bodyfat decreased in a span of about 17 days.

So how does this work? Can anyone do it? Yes...but you have to have the right combination of factors.

Most fitness pros will tell you that you have to increase your calories in order to gain muscle. In order to gain weight, this statement is true. But most people do not want to merely gain weight—they want to gain lean muscle and burn bodyfat. My System will work great for gaining bulk if that's what you want. Just eat. A lot. I wish I had that problem!

For the rest of us—men and women who want to lose fat and build shapely muscle at the same time—a bit of metabolic trickery is involved.

First, what is a calorie? A calorie is nothing more than a measurement of energy or heat. Your body requires energy and heat in order to survive. All food has a specific measurement of energy we call calories.

SImply stated, in order to lose stored energy, or bodyfat, we need to decrease the amount of ingested energy, or calories. A slight reduction in calories is essential to burn bodyfat—there's no way around that. Now, if you want to gain muscle, doesn't it make sense that you have to increase your calories in order to pull it off?

Yes, it makes perfect sense. But its wrong. Flat-out, absolutely dead freakin' wrong.

Listen up: As long as you have fat to burn, all the energy you need for muscle can come from your body's stored energy. What do you think all that fat is for? Energy! We just want to use that energy to repair the body after exercise and build lean tissue by tapping into that unwanted bodyfat.

There are three key steps in order to trick the body into doing two seemingly opposite things at the same time; burn fat and build muscle. First, you have to stimulate the body to increase its muscle mass. You do this through weight training. However, train TOO LONG and all that extra energy from your stored bodyfat will go to keeping your central nervous system from crashing. Your body will shift all of that energy and then some into the metabolic processes we call "survival mode" faster than you can snap your fingers. It will try and make sure your metabolism stays high enough to survive. That's one reason diets fail—the metabolism crashes because calories are too low AND because you are exercising too much.

Brief but brutal training is the key. I cover the BEST way to do this in my new book. It's killer...and it only takes 7 minutes to do. (Advanced trainees can use the 14-21 minute plans if they want.)

Step two is to lower your calories. How do you manage to do this without starving the muscle? Keep the protein and fats high. Healthy fats are best, although some saturated fat is okay unless your doc says no. (Most doctors know next to nothing about nutrition. Hopefully yours is smarter.)

Now, here's a great trick: Overeat slightly cooked or raw vegetables. Try to eat as much as you can. Literally force-feed yourself, especially at night. This trick fools the mind into thinking it has more food than it actually does. The power of the mind over the body cannot be overemphasized. My new book has an entire chapter dedicated to this...and wait until you read it. I cite several studies on how top athletes are using their minds to change their body and their performance.

Step three: Walk. The more the better. You clear out the toxins, get the blood flowing, help rid lactic acid from the system, and burn fat all at the same time. I walk about 20 times longer than I train with weights because I love it so much. It's my number one fat-burner.

So, let's recap:

1. You can burn fat and build muscle. The energy required to build the muscle mass comes from stored bodyfat.
2. This only works if you keep your protein and fats sufficiently high AND if you do not overtrain in the gym. The shortest workout possible is the best. Stimulate the mind and body to "build muscle" and it will.
3. Walk as much as you can. Walking before eating in the morning helps you burn even more bodyfat.


here's the whole thing:
There's your answer Simon:

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My muscle mass increased and my bodyfat decreased in a span of about 17 days.</div>
Just not long enough to conclude anything really useful.
I just knew this guy really had his s41+ together when he said &quot;What do you think all that fat is for? Energy!&quot;
The rest of it was mostly gymspeak barf. Just enough truths to make it seem credible.
If that was true we would have grown every time we did a try to remember if that happened.....and tell me then.
(_Simon_ @ Jun. 06 2008,6:18)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">why would this person lie so very much:</div>Come on dude....why does Benny Hinn slap people upside the forehead to exorcise their demons on television?   Why do you get spam in your email box claiming that if you click on a link and pay 30 bucks you can make your penis grow 14 inches overnight?
hahaha... yeah i never said i believed it, it's just annoying that i keep getting these emails, and almost ALL of them are controversial new methods (when's there gonna be one that's actually true, i do not know...)

i don't this dude is lying to get money, i think that he believes what he has done is the holy grail of training, and that he believes he's dropped bf and gained muscle at the same time, but hasn't really at the same time...
You see these things now and then...and often the guy who believes in his system didn't really check all his parameters when it worked, such as SD, diet, prior training, etc.
...and then there are the guys who just want to see their crap in print.

Steve: clicking the link didn't work for you?
any site or advertisement that has more hype then actually info is almost always full of crap or outright bogus. think of a fitness site or indiv. that has actual usable, legit methods and info............bryans HST site of course lyles site, jamie hale, etc. etc. what do they all have in common.........actual info not &quot;secrets&quot; and valuable tips that you can get as long as you buy the book/dvd. now in lyle and jamies case (and others) they are still trying make a living by selling some books etc. but you can get a lot of info just from their web site. in lyles case you can damn near put together an effective diet/workout plan just from the site alone, no purchase necc.

anyway. one of the best lines i have ever read in a &quot;fitness&quot; book comes from lyle concerning supplements...........&quot;having products that actually work has never been a goal of that industry.&quot;

i think 7min. muscle may just fall into that cat.
In Lyle's case, buying a book is almost just a way to save yourself the money and time you would have to spend collating and printing out info on the site!
Maybe he did burn fat and build muscle at the same time:

1) With good genetics plus UD2.0

2) starting as a fat slob with little weight training under his belt

I'm thinking #2 is more likely

And then there's always a nice clenbuterol/deca durabolin sandwich with extra mayonnaise.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm thinking #2 is more likely

Always go for number two cause number one is always too good to be true.