Bulking and HST


New Member
Hi there, I recently started my first HST cycle and firstly, would like to say, that what an amazing difference to my shape and strength already! I have also adjusted my diet and finally managed to start gaining weight after ages of over training in the gym and CV along with mal nutrition (even though I thought I was on a bulking diet... I was doing it all wrong, wasn't counting cals just focusing on protein) Started on 11st 4lbs and now on week 7 and weighing in at 12st5lbs, currently averaging 3800-4000cals a day (50% carbs, 30% protein and 20% fat) My strength is amazing compared to previously, military press is phenomenally stronger after, now, only ever doing 1 shoulder exercise!! I used to do like 5 shoulder workouts in one session!!!...HST rules! Anyway, my question is regarding the whole bulk with HST, as ive never managed to gain weight this quick...ever, Im in need a little guidance. My target is 13 stone, which im racing toward, do I coincide my bulk with my HST cycle so take a SD in relation to eating (eg go to maintenance for 9 days) then go back to bulk or just keep eating like a horse until I hit my goal then adjust eating? Cheers for any input folks!
If you can use real weight, kg preferably or pounds, I can help. Alternatively, download my book, it has a whole chapter on bulking.
Its thanks to your bulking section in the ebook that sorted out my diet, so thankyou for compiling such a great document that makes so much sense and is so easy to follow! This whole site and the people on it are a great help, no bull, just facts, tried and tested....big fan! My current weight is 79kg and im aiming for 82kg, however im guessing I may keep going to 86kg, see how quick the next few kg come on and what fat im sitting with etc come 82kg. Your ebook makes no mention of cycling diet with HST, just wondering if its worth doing or if it makes any real difference...am I just over complicating things??
Did you read the cutting section as well? The only cycling of diet you need to do is to eat at maintenance when not lifting and dieting down when you accumulate too much bodyfat.
Yeah I read that, you mention taking a days break of any diet if you're struggling to maintain it etc, and take 2 wks maintenance between switching bulking and cutting but I was wondering if taking 9 days off bulking then continue bulking is what's done or just keep bulk eating while SD? Was thinking maybe a SD of the nutrition side would have some benefits like the SD of the lifting side when restarting??
As I said, maybe I'm over complicating it...
Maybe I didn't make it clear enough in the book but any time you are not lifting, you should be eating at maintenance. Bulking while not lifting will lead to fat gain. Cutting while not lifting will lead to muscle loss. I will have to make sure that is loud and clear when I write up my revision. Just remember that rule though. No lifting = eat at maintenance.

You can't really SD from eating in the way you are thinking but you can sort of solidify your gains in a sense by eating at maintenance for a while after bulking. With cutting, it is important to eat at maintenance now and again in order to reset metabolism.
And to add to what Tot said, your next SD will be at your NEW maintenance level given that you weight more and want to keep your new muscle. That could be significantly different than your old maintenance level