caffeine & L-Tyrosine (no ephedrine)

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according to the FAQ about diet and nutrion posted by blade

it says :

"An hour or two before cardio, take 200 mg caffeine with 1-3 grams of L-tyrosine (NO ephedrine)"

So is this a substitute for an EC stack? If so should the dosage be the same as an EC stack eg. 200mg caffeine and 1-3 grams L-tyrosine 3 times a day? If so i assume thats every day for the entire cutting cycle including off days?

If anyone can help me out that would be awesome.

follow up question would be why would it recommend l-tyrosine instead of ephedrine for getting rid of fat?
L-Tyrosine is used in the synthesis of adrenaline/noradrenaline(or epinephrine/norepinefrine, depends on which side of the atlantic lake you`re on). It`s also important for thyroid hormone synthesis. Animal models show that injecting tyrosine IN ADDITION to ephedrine potentiates the thermogenic effects of ephedrine. Anecdotally, adding it seems to give a better stimulatory effect.

I`m not using ephedrine, but I`m using coffeine prior to either cardio or training, combined with three grams of tyrosine, and it seems to maintain the stimulatory effects that coffeine has for a bit longer. The last week I was out of tyrosine, so I have a basis of comparison. Anyhow, the difference is not that huge between C+T or C only.