Calculating new RM between cycles


New Member
Hi I am trying to learn as much as I can about this system to start a cycle in about a month. Obviously my second cycle is a wee way away in that case but one thing I don't understand is do you have to re do your RM determination for each mini-cycle after you do your strategic de conditioning? Or do you just use what was your 5 RM in the last mini-cycle to do a calculation using one of the many RM calculators available and just rinse and repeat the whole 8 week cycle?

Also while I'm asking questions I have two more small ones. Can I use squat and leg curl every work out for legs if I don't have access to a leg press, or should I do squat and curl for A and dead-lift for B? Also don't have access to a dip station, but probably in light of the un-optimal conditions of my home gym I will probably just join a gym to avoid these problems if no one can offer me a good way around it.

And is it okay to just do 2 sets of everything the whole way through the 8 week cycle if my body/time allows for it?

Thanks in advance for any help, I am currently nearly finished a mammoth dieting down from ~90kg down to 70kg and nearly at 10% body-fat and looking to get as much info as possible before starting a bulk (my first bulk).
In the FAQ's it's recommended to just simply add 5 to 10 lbs to each RM for the next cycle. I based it off my new 5RM at the completion of the first cycle. When in doubt you could always retest at the end of the cycle.

Atlernating Squat and Dead works great. I do leg curl as well on squat day to help bring up my hammies, and you could do leg ext on deadlift day to give the quads a little more emphasis.

You don't have to dips (although it is a wonderful exercise). I too workout at home and have made good progress doing Incline and Flat bench press

You should do as much volume as your recovery abilities allow. The only way to know is to try it and monitor your fatigue levels. If you are never tired,sore, and are not seeing results add volume. If you are sore and tired all the time and feel it's too much lower the volume. You can maximize your recovery by eating sufficient calories and protein and getting 10 hrs of sleep a night. Hope this helps and good luck
Yup that answers them all and as I thought it's pretty simple and straight forward. That's what I'm liking about this routine. I may just join the join gym so I can get max benifits anyway but we'll see. Thanks for your advice.