Calorie Consumption


New Member

So I have ,,,

The single most important factor in muscle development is assuring that the athlete has sufficient energy intake to support a larger mass. If an the athlete has an appropriate energy distribution (about 60 percent from carbohydrate, 15 percent from protein, 25 percent from fat), approximately 3,500 calories are equivalent to one pound. Therefore, for an athlete to gain one pound of muscle mass in one week, an excess of 3,500 calories needs to be consumed during that week. Divided out over seven days, that’s an excess of 500 calories each day. It is impossible to increase muscle mass by adding noncalorie-providing supplements to an existing intake. Therefore, when athletes are in a weight-stable state, it is important for them to take stock of the amount and type of food that they consume to maintain that weight. Once determined, then an additional amount of energy is required to support a larger mass.
I question the fact that you need 3,500 excess calories to build a pound of muscle. I know that's how many calories there are in a pound of fat, but I don't think a pound of muscle is equivalent in that sense..
Considering that protein only has 4 calories per gram, as opposed to 9 calories per gram for fats...

But anyway, adding 500 excess calories per day really isn't complicated. Just eat some more of something. Count your calories for the day and make sure they are around 500 in excess of your maintenance. There's nothing real hard about it. Well, unless you are OCD about eating clean, then it might be a bit difficult.
(wwewrestlingguy @ Apr. 21 2006,23:27)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I question the fact that you need 3,500 excess calories to build a pound of muscle.  I know that's how many calories there are in a pound of fat, but I don't think a pound of muscle is equivalent in that sense..</div>
This is correct. A pound of muscle only yields about 600 cal when burned and takes between 1200 and 2400 cal to synthesize, NOT 3500!
(wwewrestlingguy @ Apr. 21 2006,23:27)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I question the fact that you need 3,500 excess calories to build a pound of muscle.  I know that's how many calories there are in a pound of fat, but I don't think a pound of muscle is equivalent in that sense..</div>
This is correct. A pound of muscle only yields about 600 cal when burned and takes between 1200 and 2400 cal to synthesize, NOT 3500!
maximuscrate, actually a cummulative 3,500 calories in a week will yield an increase of approximately 1 lb of weight....fat 100% if not exercise and hopefully some of that will be muscle if doing proper exercise plus nutrients plus rest.... it is not that easy to gain muscle

I try to eat healthy things and I have been for a while. I couldn't eat something really greasy anymore, it would make me feel sick and it really hurts your bodys performance.

I glad to hear that 3500 calories total over a week is too many. Either way I do need more than what my exercise and body needs in a day to make it.

I had a chocolate silk blizzard yesterday, not too clean and I'm sure that would have put me way over.

I found that potato's, fish, almonds,and dried apples were quite high in calories for their weight so I'll eat more of those.

So I will aim for 250-300 calorie excess per day and keep up with my HST.
Hi all.

What macro nutrient ratio do you use or recomend me using. I have a medium metabolism.

Does the post workout shake count towards the daily calorie intake?

How many grams of dextrose do you recomend in the pw shake?
I feel fine with the following:
protein= 30%-35%
fat= 20%-25%
carbohydrate= 45%-50%

Everything you put in your mouth should count even your nails if you bite them, he he he
To increase my calories I am going to start using canola oil more and more of it while cooking. Such as adding it to my rice before I add water.

I enjoy eating clean though so if anyone had specific favorite foods high in carbs like oatmeal, let me know!
this is how I start my days:
amino acids
all mixed togther with hot water ans some milk.

then I scrample up 6-8 eggs with only one egg yolk.

then 4 cups of esspresso
You can try whole wheat pasta....... you can find some with approx. 4 calories per gram..... 1 decent dish of that pasta has about 200 grams yielding 800 calories... if on top of that you add some tomato pasta paste and parmesan cheese you get to 900 calories in that food is good as one of your snacks.
I switched from skim milk to whole milk, and started eating peanut butter more, added a shake per day, second helpings at dinner. That about did it for me.
Using the needed calorie calculator from

I put in 40 minutes of weight lifting and now that it is nice out I am biking for a total of 50 minutes a day at 18mph. With my hieight age and weight etc, It calculates that I need...

Daily Energy Expenditure: 3153 kcal
Additional Calories from Exercise:+ 1130 kcal

Estimated Energy Requirement: 4283 kcal

This number is a lot higher than I originally expected. I think the reason I didn't gain weight in the past was due to overtraining from HIT and from not eating foods high enough in calories.

Last night I had 1 cup of rice, then cooked with oil and chicken broth thing in it, a steak of salmon, and a pile of vegetables.

But then shortly after supper I had 2 eggs on 3 peices of bread and some deli meat, some cheese and ketchup.

In the day I ate, 2 sandwhiches, a banana, an orange, and 2 bran muffins, and for breakfast I had a large bowl of cereal and some yogurt. As well as 2 glasses of skim milk made from delicous and cheap skim milk powder(no name tasts better than carnation).

So I guess I have to add up every little thing on my sandwhiches and the amounds of stuff Im eating and calculate how many calories I get from those.

Im probably going to have to consumes approx 4800 calories to put on some serious weight. If im below these I can also add a large bowel of outmeat right before bed which i ussually do eat but I bought the eggs for that instead.

Does this seem right?
I hope by &quot;bowel&quot; you meant &quot;bowl.&quot;

He, he!!