calorie cycling


New Member
I am a big believe in calorie cycling. My question is this: when you calorie cycle you obviously eat more calories some days than others. Do you think it's best to have your bigger days on workout days or is it more beneficial the days after a workout when you are recovering?? I've always wondered this.
its a tough one, i think your body will let u know.

it has been suggested to me on an other board that 4 low carb days then 2 high carb days over a period of a month or so primes the body for a big bulking cycle, as once you hit the high callories again your body turns round and says ill have some of that, and grows quickly over a short time period.

it is quite abit more complicated than ive stated but thats the jist of it.

your body gets used to the carb depletion and adjusts accordingly, then you hit hard and heavy and the body switches up a gear,unfortunatley you could take on some fat in the process.

ive tried this b4 a bulking cycle and it worked for me. i lost weight upto the cycle(some muscle, mainly fat), then once hitting the carbs and protein my body weight went over my previous heaviest weight while keeping the fat loss.
(SoxFan @ Mar. 13 2008,10:02)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am a big believe in calorie cycling. My question is this: when you calorie cycle you obviously eat more calories some days than others. Do you think it's best to have your bigger days on workout days or is it more beneficial the days after a workout when you are recovering?? I've always wondered this.</div>
Yes. Eat more around your workout even if you are cutting. Check out these threads for more info...

Flexibility of Intermittent Fasting
Optimizing Your Caloric Intake
Wave Loaded Caloric Intake

The last two are threads that I started. The third link is more of a subset of the second thread.