Can I alternate between Bench Press and Dips every workout?


New Member
I am currently doing bench press and dips right after and these are the main exercises I do for chest. My question is, can I alternate between dips and bench press every workout day and will it be enough for my chest?

Say I do 3x a week (mon,wed,fri) and I lay it out like so;

week 1: bench/dips/bench
week 2: dips/bench/dips
week 3: bench/dips/bench
so on and so forth....

Will this be enough to develop a decent chest and keep a proper muscle stimulus for it to grow?
Yes you can alternate with no problem. However, depending on what you are doing for a shoulder workout my preference would be to alternate between Dips and Incline Bench or even more preferable to do both Dips and Incline Bench every workout depending on how much time you have and your recovery ability.
I only do sitting dumbbell shoulder presses for shoulders. The thing is that after doing bench press my arms are pretty fatigued and I struggle a lot during dips.
You could try doing your dips first since body weight will limit the lowest weight you can use unless you have a dip station with counterweights. Also, as a general rule most people consider Dips to be a better mass building exercise than Flat Bench Press anyway.