Can I do cardio for cutting during SD?


New Member
By the time I finish my first cycle of HST, I will have gained much fat. So can I use the days of SD to do some intense cardio? I am thinking the Tabata protocol. Will this prevent SD?

If I cannot do this, I am in trouble. I will already be fat. If I lay off for 10 days I will gain extra 1-2 kgrs of fat.
I know I`m not an expert and stuff and you don`t want my feedback, but really, no. The best SD would be to do absolutely nothing and stay in bed in order to negate even gravity. Considering that`s unfeasible, you should still try to keep activity as low as possible.
you could do some ss-cardio but HIIT would not be
Following on what Faz says, I'd probably agree, however why not do the HIIT or Tabata protocol on off days while you bulking tro avoid getting or reatining some of the fat?

Then during SD just do SS cardio 30 - 60 minutes each day, that should be fine.

The Porblem with the Tabata protocol is that it uses the muscle group involved quite extensivelly, which is not SD.
Why add even higher stress?Why isn`t DoggCrapp, a man that`s kindof extreme in his methods, reccomending this, yet he reccomends SS cardio in the morning?Could it be because the systemic impact of proper HIIT(and even moreso Tabata) is on the significant side of things, and it would only build up on the fatigue that`s already accumulating?Could it be because through the increased EPOC it will cut into the excedent significantly and it may end-up being counter-productive WRT muscle-gain?

If you want to mess with partitioning during a bulk, and want to grow huge and maintain abz(well, that doesn`t happen to anyone, but hell, maybe everybody else simply doesn`t know how to do it), go into the really complex stuff:use Intermittent Fasting, use an UD2 scheme with depletion/timed refeeds etc. Use a metric fuckton of Test, as that`s great for partitioning, I hear.
Oh, and if you are concerned about gaining fat during SD, you could always just start counting calories. If you eat at maintenance, you aren't going to gain fat during that period.