can i really make mass gains with simplify and win! help me believe


New Member
just read over the simplify and win thread again. probably the best thread ever. here's the routine i've come up with. please critique. will i really make gains? the routine almost seems too simple. i always have a tendency to want to add more and more iso's to hit those tough areas...make me believe! will either do 1X15, 2x10, or 3x5 or 1x12 plus cluster to 15, 2x8, 3x5...which one do you recommend?

Inc bench- dumbbell for 15s/10s switch to barbell for 5s...too damn tough to get heavy dbs into place
Bb row
Upright rows or lateral raises
Triceps iso

Military-seated dumbbell press for 15s/10s, switch to barbell military for 5s-again tough for heavy dbs
Biceps iso
Face pulls

Current stats all with strict form
Squat: 275 x 5
Deadlift: 335 x 5
Bench: 185x5
Pendlay Row: 150x5
Military press: 125x5
Height 5'9" Weight: 180 BF: probably 15-20 not sure- have a little tub around my belly but not too worried because ive been bulking about half/dirty half clean
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No, there is no way you can make mass gains with simplify and win. All those people were lying. I wouldn't be surprised if you, in fact, lost muscle on a routine like this.

Why switch from DBs to BB halfway through a cycle? Why would you not just do BB all the way through so you can know you are progressing properly?
totentanz...only reason i'd do db incline is because i've been doing madcow for the past 4 months and i'm kinda getting sick of the barbell. plus i've heard you can get better ROM with dumbbell. most people seem to prefer dumbbell to barbell for incline in all i've read
Most people don't know how to incline press, if that is the case.

Drop the upright's, triceps iso and biceps iso.

Do something extra for your rotator's every other workout, should take 3-5mins.