can I rest one day instead of two days on beginning of every 2 weeks minicycle?


New Member
Hi, On the beginning of every 2 weeks minicycle, when I switch from 15 to 10 and from 10 to 5 reps, first 3 trainings are relatively easy. In this case it would be quite effortless to rest one day instead of two days on beginning of every 2 weeks minicycle. What do you think? thx, Hiro
Yeh sure that's what I've been doing for six months, pretty much train every other day for at least 24 workouts then sd. It works better with my shift pattern, but most people use the weekend to rest so they can keep in a routine.
Yeh sure that's what I've been doing for six months, pretty much train every other day for at least 24 workouts then sd. It works better with my shift pattern, but most people use the weekend to rest so they can keep in a routine.
thank you, I am doing the same. My question is if I can do only 1day rests on the beginning of every minicycle, when the exercises are relatively effortless? Hiro EDIT: I know I could be unclear; what I meant was in fact 24h of rest, not 48h.
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Only you can determine the answer by trying it and seeing if you can recover fast enough in 24 hours. When I first started HST I did a full body workout (low volume) every day during the 15s and early 10s. If you don’t tax your muscles too much they can pretty much recover in 24 hours, however your connective tissues (tendons and ligaments) take longer to recover so I wouldn’t recommend doing it too often. If you plan on only doing it at the transition between micro-cycles it shouldn’t be a problem.