Can I run a cycle if there are going to be breaks?


New Member
I'm on the edge of the HST world and looking in. Presently (and for a long time) been doing HIT (which is phenomonal for strength but giving me little muscular gains).

Anyway: I want to run a course/cycle BUT in the next 2 months I'll be taking 3 weeks of holidays (1x1, 1x2). My question is Can I run a cycle, and if so how?

This is my schedule:

      week beginning:
       June 19th: free
          July 3rd: free
              10th: free
              17th: free
      24th: holiday
               31st: free
August 7th: holiday
         14th: holiday
               21st: free

and free from then on.

I know it's not ideal but can I run some sort of cycle to get a feel for the principles?

I was thinking of finding 10 and 5 rep maxes this week. Then run 2 weeks of 10s and 2 weeks of 5s, which will take me up to the first holiday. Come back after a week off and do another week of 5s. Go away for 2 weeks and then I can start a proper cycle.

I'm training twice a week at the minute for 1 full body session. 5 sets each half body session. My weights go up every session so I'm not over training so I thought I'd jump in at the 10s.
Not ideal, but anyone got any ideas for fitting something in?

NOt a bad way to do it. I think I would do a week of 15's, a week of 10's and then 2 weeks of 5's followed by vacation and then a final week of 5's. After your last final week of vacation, start with the 15's again.
Cheers mate. When I tried putting this on the other day it wouldn't work so I'm suprised it's come up. Thanks for the reply. I'm going to run it and see how it goes. It should give me 'feeling' for the HST thing.