Can i still do HST helpp please! :)


New Member
Hey everyone, well i have read what HST is about and i understand it, currently i only have dumbbells available to me and i was wondering is it ok if i don't do SQAUTS or DEADLIFTS?? i know they are great for overall growth but i dont like them.

the other question i had was are these exercises ok for HST program?
shrugs/upright rows
shoulder presses/lateral raises
hammer curls/bicep curls
overhead extension
calf raises
dumbbell lunges
chests flys
one arm dumbbell rows/two arm bent over rows

i think they hit all the muscles? will i still see hypertrophy if i dont include squats or deadlifts or bench presses??? :eek: thanks
Hey everyone, well i have read what HST is about and i understand it, currently i only have dumbbells available to me and i was wondering is it ok if i don't do SQAUTS or DEADLIFTS?? i know they are great for overall growth but i dont like them.

the other question i had was are these exercises ok for HST program?
shrugs/upright rows
shoulder presses/lateral raises
hammer curls/bicep curls
overhead extension
calf raises
dumbbell lunges
chests flys
one arm dumbbell rows/two arm bent over rows

i think they hit all the muscles? will i still see hypertrophy if i dont include squats or deadlifts or bench presses??? :eek: thanks

Can you do HST without doing deads or squats? Yes.

Can you experience hypertrophy from HST without deads or squats? Yes.

Is it okay if you don't do deads or squats? No.

Do them with your DBs and be a man. :-)
Can you do HST without doing deads or squats? Yes.

Can you experience hypertrophy from HST without deads or squats? Yes.

Is it okay if you don't do deads or squats? No.

Do them with your DBs and be a man. :-)

i'm a teen ;) but thanks, so i will still exp hypertophy from HST without them you're saying
i'm a teen ;) but thanks, so i will still exp hypertophy from HST without them you're saying

Of course. You wouldn't want to enter into a mass-gaining competition without them, but you can grow your muscles with pretty much any resistence exercise.

But I would never advise someone to leave them out of their programming.
Muscular hypertrophy will occur if you lift heavier and heavier loads over time. But most folks find that it's not that easy to keep lifting heavier and heavier loads over time. What happens is that you tend to stall out and plateau once your strength levels have progressed so far. Getting past 'sticking points' can be very frustrating. HST provides a way for you to stimulate muscular hypertrophy in a very efficient and productive way. The method is relatively simple but the science behind the method is sound. This can definitely help get you past a strength plateau and into new territory again.

Looking at some of your exercises, it would seem that you will have to use some fairly hefty dumbells in order to get a growth response: calves, for example, are very well conditioned muscles and will take a lot of weight and work in order to stimulate growth; traps too (although they usually respond well to training). So, why not learn to deadlift and squat with your dbs? It's definitely worth it. Is not liking them really because you find them a bit more difficult to perform or because they are hard work? Hard work is good for muscle growth. :) Form issues can easily be resolved; once you have the movements sorted, you will probably find that they will feature in nearly all your future workouts. Why miss out exercises that have a long history of making people big and strong?

Here are a few variations to try:

DB Squats: dbs held with arms hanging by sides.
Front DB Squats: dbs held at front of shoulders after being cleaned into place.

DB deadlift: dbs held with arms hanging by sides, legs inside arms
DB Sumo Deadlift: dbs held with arms hanging down shoulder-width apart but with a wide stance, ie. legs outside arms.
Single-arm DB Deadlift: can be performed with db to one side or with db in between legs (requires v. heavy db and good grip strength)

DB Power Cleans and DB Squat Cleans

Single-arm DB Snatch: like the Oly lift except you use only one arm at a time. From floor to overhead in one smooth movement.
thanks for all the responses didn't think i'd get any anwers so quickly :O really nice community here. yeah the reason i dont like squats and deadlifts is cos i do my workouts at home and so no one looks at my form and therefore if i'm doing the exercise incorrectly could really injure myself ;)

my dumbbells can get up to 22 pounds or 10kg but right now that is adequate as i can only curl 8kg and row 9kg :P

also been lifting for 3 months now and have seen a slight increase in my appearance (bulk) however my question is how much muscle can someone add in a year? with the right nutrition rest etc all things being equal how much muscle can i add in a year?
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thanks for all the responses didn't think i'd get any anwers so quickly :O really nice community here. yeah the reason i dont like squats and deadlifts is cos i do my workouts at home and so no one looks at my form and therefore if i'm doing the exercise incorrectly could really injure myself ;)

my dumbbells can get up to 22 pounds or 10kg but right now that is adequate as i can only curl 8kg and row 9kg :P

also been lifting for 3 months now and have seen a slight increase in my appearance (bulk) however my question is how much muscle can someone add in a year? with the right nutrition rest etc all things being equal how much muscle can i add in a year?

If you are a young adult, light and relatively untrained, you could probably add up to around 50lb of extra mass in a year. Yes, some of that will be fat but you can then worry about trimming that off while maintaining as much as possible of your hard-earned muscle. However, you won't do this with 10kg dbs and you won't do it if you don't deadlift and squat (unlikely at any rate)! You will also have to learn to eat like a horse and have the cash to do so (eating lots of food ain't cheap).
am happy to give you my measurements man ;) am around 5ft9 17 years old 143 pounds or 10 stone 3 and yeah before i started i was not very skinny, i had a trim physique with low body fat as my abs were quite noticeable and i am a mesomorph if that helps at all
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