Can metabolic work be accomplished by more sets?


New Member
Metabolic work is suggested when you get into your 5's and post 5's, due to the lack of metabolic work provided in such a small rep range. 10's are okay though and so are 15's.

Well what about doing alot of sets in the 5's? I would imagine if you cluster repped to 15 reps throughout an entire HST cycle, you would get enough metabolic stress. I dare say that it would be more effective than pulses and other techniques, due to the shear load of the weights.

What does anyone else think?
Hey Lance :)

A veteran HSTer like you probably don't need much explanation at all, so here it is without so much detail.

The metabollic work is like the "real world application" of the occlusion studies, unless you actually want to train with a tourniquet. It's important to do lots of reps without stopping so we force blood to be pumped out of the area - mirroring the occlusion studies. If you cluster, that means you stop after a few reps, and that probably won't even come near to forcing blood out of the area.

Thanks, i think i got that. I'll stick with the more moderate amount of reps and keep doing my sets of 15's/pulses for now.