can someone please help me make sense of this


New Member
I have looked through the faqs and alot of posts..and i still have no clue what HST is. I mean how do you do it exactly? make it real simple. i know you have to find your max at certain reps..but so..what then? how many sets do you do? the calculator thing makes it look like 6..thats a lot of time to do all that. Do you increase the load after every set? i dont get it. its not simple to understand at all.
The calculator is giving you your weights for each workout, not each set. It is based on three two-week "microcycles" of three workouts per week, If you are just starting out, do a few light warmup sets for each bodypart, and one work set per exercise. It might be helpful to look at some of the logs and see how others are setting up their routines.
Find your rep maxes for 15 reps, 10 reps, and 5 reps. Plan two weeks of lifting for each rep range. Start your first session at about 75 - 80% of your rep max, then increment the weights each workout. When you reach workout #6, you should be scheduled to lift your previously determined rep max for that rep range.

There may be some "zig-zag" in your weights as you move from one rep range to the next (e.g. 75% of your 10-rep max might well be less than 100% of your 15-rep max). Most of us just consider that "zig-zag" as a little blessing and a chance to let the CNS recoup a bit. Alternatively, you may adjust your weights to eliminate it.

When you finish your second 5-rep week and have hit your previously determined 5-rep max, you may proceed in any of several different ways. You could do another week or so of fives (that's what I've often done), either continuing to lift a your 5-rep max, or perhaps even incrementing the weight a bit. Or you could do some negative lifts (though this often requires a training partner). Or you could try doing a couple of weeks of triples. At this stage, everything is gravy.

When you finish your cycles, take a much deserved rest -- a Strategic Deconditioning. Don't exercise at all for 9 - 14 days. Sit around a lot and do nothing. Maybe watch some TV. Read a book. Get people to bring you things.

Then, when you hit the gym for your next cycle, even sub-maximal weights will kick your butt (and spur hypertrophy).
Question about SD: do you determine your maxes every SD phase? My last workout was on Fri the 11th and my next one (to determine new maxes) is on Tues the 22nd, so that's 10 days without working out. (this is my first sd phase)