Can you cut on HST?


New Member
It's time to cut really soon for me, once I finish the last negative week. However, I've learned from the past that maintaining intensity (weight on the bar) is EVERYTHING when wanting to keep muscle on a calorie deficit. So... 2 weeks sub maximal weights... should mean muscle loss, right? I really like the flow on HST and if possible I would like to cut on it.
The above link is very useful for reference, but yes you can cut using HST.

I am three weeks in to a cut now and will be off to the gym later for my 5th workout of the 5's. I am repeating the weights I managed on my last cycle of bulking and even managed new 10RM's.

I have dropped 10lbs in 3 weeks which sounds like a lot, but the first week seen me drop 6-7lbs which I am assuming was mainly water weight and a rapid shock to the body dropping from 3400 cals per day to 2400 cals.

I hope the fat loss continues at a steady rate and I'd be happy with just a lb a week as long as my strength levels remain constant.

I've added 20-30 mins of light cardio after my workout, and either 20 mins of HIIT or 30-40mins of low intensity cardio on non weights days, with about one rest day a week.

I'm seeing results in the mirror, definately slimmer and dropped a knotch on the belt, but I do look a bit deflated and flabby/loose skin is noticeable as my muscles aren't pumped with glycogen and water like they were when I was bulking. I'm not sure whether to have a cheat day and fill myself back up again?????

However, when the cuts over and I increase the cals again I should see an improvement.
cutting is obtained via creating a calorie deficitalthough, hst is a mass building programif you create a colorie deficit within your diet whilst hst, you would be cuttingyou could implement hst three times a day, and perform cardio on days offjust remember to eat clean, monitor your calories = success
Ok, thanks for that pearl of wisdom!

I suggest you read the simplify and win thread and at least go through some HST cycles before giving out advice.

Also there is no such thing as eating clean, however I do wash all my vegetables before I eat them!