Cardio and cycling...


New Member
Alright guys, so SD comes to an end today and I will start my first HST cycle tomorrow.  I have read previous threads and searched the forums but I have not been able to get a afew questions answered.  

1.  What about cardio, Is there any harm on the HST cycle.  I am planning on eating 500+ maintenance and was thinking of doing my cardio early morning on the day of my w/o's. W/O's will be late evenings.

2.  If cardio is ok, do you guys recommend Low Intensity or High  Intensity?

3.  I am planning on working out on M,W & F.   On Saturdays or Sundays I also like to go out cycling on my road bike..usually about an hour or hour and a half.  Would that be a problem.

I apologize in advance for the elementary questions, but I would much rather ask versus do something wrong.  Thanks.
(jhj @ Jun. 22 2008,6:48)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Alright guys, so SD comes to an end today and I will start my first HST cycle tomorrow.  I have read previous threads and searched the forums but I have not been able to get a afew questions answered.  

1.  What about cardio, Is there any harm on the HST cycle.  I am planning on eating 500+ maintenance and was thinking of doing my cardio early morning on the day of my w/o's.  W/O's will be late evenings.

2.  If cardio is ok, do you guys recommend Low Intensity or High  Intensity?

3.  I am planning on working out on M,W &amp; F.   On Saturdays or Sundays I also like to go out cycling on my road bike..usually about an hour or hour and a half.  Would that be a problem.

I apologize in advance for the elementary questions, but I would much rather ask versus do something wrong.  Thanks.</div>
1. cardio has no harm on yr HST but dun overdo it.
there's a sticky somewhere here tat recommends incline threadmill walking as cardio.

for me, i do brisk walking at 3 mph / 4.8 km/hr, ranging
from 0 to max 5% incline (no more than that) ard 30 mins. I train in the evenings as well, in fact my cardio is done during lunch at work, so I've even less recovery luxury time than u

2. read this article

3. it's yr rest day, go do something u enjoy man!
(hotterdog @ Jun. 22 2008,10:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">3. it's yr rest day, go do something u enjoy man!</div>
That is the problem, I really enjoy cycling!
(jhj @ Jun. 23 2008,12:35)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(hotterdog @ Jun. 22 2008,10:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">3. it's yr rest day, go do something u enjoy man!</div>
That is the problem, I really enjoy cycling!</div>
well, don't do it 2 days in e wkend else u'll find it harder to train on mon... 1 day will do, leave e other day to recover... but of course make sure u eat!!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
2. read this article

This guy still hasn't understood how interval training works. It's amazing to realize that a professionnal BBer can miss the point completly about how cardio works.

All the more that IIII have explained to him on a few years ago how it works. And I'm not a genius to understand that.. virtually everyone is able to understand..
if you want to cycle on sundays, I highly recommend you cycle on sundays and see what happens.

maybe you'll lose fat, lose muscle/fat, stay the same, gain, overtrain, whatever. only you can figure out what is prescribed and contraindicated for yourself.

yes generally speaking as intensity and duration both go up in cardio, muscle loss tends to increase, as does CNS burnout, over training, etc. but how much? you're going to have to find that for yourself.

keep a log, and adjust one variable at a time. record results. repeat. its worked for me.