cardio confusion


New Member
i read a lot about cardio and i am confused about some ideas i wish you tell me which you recommend

1-no cardio during bulking phase it affect gains

2-decrease cardio in bulking to 10 min twice aweek

3-the last say cardio 3 times aweek for 30 min will increase gain perfectly

what do you think
plz say how many times aweek and how long cardio would be good at bulking

thnx for help
1. if you are a slim build then yes and if your cardio brings yor calorie count into a defecit.

2. is a waste of time

3. not sure
If you just want to maintain your metcon while on a bulk, why not do tabata two or three times a week? That'll only take around 8-12 mins total time but you should get a decent metcon effect.

If you are bulking (ie. you are lean and want to add mass) you'll need to ensure that you take in enough cals to compensate for the loss from the cardio. Accounting for cals burnt during and following a tabata session might be a bit tricky; I am not sure exactly how tabata compares to a longer SS cardio session but I have read that it's effects last about nine times longer than the actual exercise session, in which case a 4 minute tabata session would be roughly equivalent to a 35 min SS cardio session.

If you don't care about metcon then just stick to your weight training; HST's 15s have a pretty good effect on metcon anyway, especially if you reduce times between exercises down to a minute or less.
If you just want to look like a Weider blow up doll and not be able to walk up a flight of stairs, your best bet is to skip the cardio.

If you want to live a leaner, longer and more healthy life, best to do cardio.

If you're only talking about a couple of weeks out of your total life, it probably doesn't matter either way.
Like seemore and Lol said remember to eat enough to compensate for the cardio's caloric expenditure if you are bulking. Too many have fell for this trap and ended up not gaining the desired weight.
"Lifting is 1 part technique, 2 parts strength and 3 parts will." Electric

The best advice ever given on any board!
thnx all for your great respond that helped me so much to end that confusion

thnx Lol seemore electric old and grey