Changing excercise in the middle of Cycle. (lower back problems)


New Member

Some background information.
This is my first post here, although I've been reading around as I've set up my first HST cycle.
I've been training for almost 1 year. Had lower back problems in the past, but now they are back.

I'm currently on my last week of 5s(before starting negatives) and I was hoping you guys could tell me if I can swap out some excercises without ruining the whole cycle, and if so, which excercises i could replace with. The excercises which gives my back problems are Romanian Deadlifts and bent over rows. I've been trying to fix my form( started with low weight and worked myself up) but my back is still getting messed up.

I was thinking maybe seated cable rows. But I was hoping you more experience people could help me out a little.

Long story short : which excercises can I do instead of
-Romanian deadlifts
-Bent over barbell rows
which won't mess with my back as much.
I have the same issue, I switched bent over rows for seated cable rows and Romanian deadlifts for standard deadlifts (or if its thats too risky try sumo deadlifts). Works perfectly.
Your going to have to make an educated guess on your maxes for these new exercises then work backwards to find the right percentages. I'd definitely change the exercises if your getting back issues though, not worth the injuries.
As wobbles says you can switch out exercises, it’s not ideal but as long as the exercise is fairly similar it shouldn’t cause a problem. I’ve done the same thing myself during a few cycles.

I’m curious what your back problem is?

The reason I ask is because I have a ruptured Lumbar disk which use to cause me constant pain. I was very wary of doing any exercises that might aggravate it. However, as my lifting, especially Sumo Deadlifts, progressed not only didn’t I have any problems while lifting but because of the strengthening of my core muscles all my back pain is now gone. I am now able to do exercises like Deficit SLDLs and Good Mornings which I never imagined a year ago I’d ever be doing. So if your back problem is similar, something that might be helped by strengthening your core, then I suggest you find and stick to some less offending exercises while strengthening your core muscles. Then slowly reintroduce the other exercises and see how they work.
Really good replies guys. Helps a lot.
Then I will replace with seated cable rows and sumo deadlift. Gonna start it of easy to get everything right.

I have two back problems :
1) My left foot is 3cm shorter than my right, which my muscles in lower back are constantly overcompensating for. I'm going to a specialist doctor soon, so will know more then.
2) My lower back has "changed" due to all the "bad form sitting" (if I can call it that) I did when I was younger, which came back once I started uni(as I was sitting and reading all day).

Thanks again for the replies.
Really helps! =)
Wow 3cm sucks. I have about 1cm bayonet opposition in my right Tibia from a broken leg which caused me hip and back problems when long distance running. Thankfully I haven’t noticed any problems lifting.

You might also consider getting a powerlifting belt if you plan to Deadlift heavy. I just got one and it’s night and day difference than using a small bodybuilding belt.

I hope you can find a way to work through it.
Yeah, they might wanna shorten my foot by that much. Which would keep me from having normal use of my foot for maybe 1 year. Which isn't really an option for me as I love squatting.
Hopefully I can get some special shoes.

I've never used belts before, how would you define lifting heavy? When would it be smart to start wearing belts?
I usually try not to use a belt until I get up to around 90% of my 1RM. Not using a belt actually will help make your core stronger, but the belt will help you stabilize your core better when lift heavy which means you can work your other muscles harder without being limited by what you can support with your core raw (without a belt).