changing exercises during the HST cycle?


New Member
Hi everyone, I was wondering if it would be okay to add in exercises to replace other exercises even during the HST cycle (currently in the 4th week). I want to switch the tricep exercises, I have v bar pushdowns and decline skullcrushers. Instead of v bar pushdowns, i'd rather go with something like weighted bench dips or close grip bench bress. Would this be problematic? Should I just wait for another HST cycle after an SD to replace these exercises?
I don’t think you will have any problem. I’ve done that before when I wanted to get a feel for an exercise I plan to add to my next cycle but didn’t want’ to wait. As long as you start at a weight that allows you to continue to progress you should be fine. One thing to note is that switching from a simple isolation exercise to a more complex compound one may involve some neural adaptation so you may not see the gains you expect right away. However, that’s still going to happen if you wait to add it to the next cycle anyway so IMO the sooner you adapt to the new exercises the better for making mass gains.
I would also add them now, for the same reason (neural adaptations) Grunt mentioned.
With 4 weeks of adaptation I think you RM tests for your next cycle will be meaningful. (Don't think they would be of much use without it)