Check my HST routine


New Member
Ok so i have a couple general questions. I have been working out for about 9 years and just came across this style of working out by chance on my home board. Anyways i have been reading about it for a week or so and i like. I am in my first week of 15's. I am also on my 12th week of Test Enan and Eq.(hope you guys are not haters My body my choice... lol) anyways.

1. Is it ok to use Nervous stystems stimulates... such as ephdra and clen. I know its bad to gain muscle but i am on cycle?
2. I read that running is ok if you keep it to a miniumum. I love to run and it keeps off the excess fat :) Only 20-30 min at a time.
3. Strechting during your workouts between sets/exercises is this ok?
4. Also it says to find your max... so if you do 2 sets for a given workout you should not be able to get 15 on the 2nd? Do you ever or always or when do you goto fail? I usually goto failure on last set of exercise.
5. I have read that generally people say 5 or 6 days straight of full body is ok... man that is the exact oppisite i have always heard. Well you not overtrain.
6. I read doing squats with deads is bad. What about squats/leg press or legpress/deads ?
7. Compound only i have seen some mixes on this board on that?
8. Finally i love lifting alot and alot.... been a power trainer for a long time but now i want that body builder body. Will i gain strength on this program:
Day 1
Legs = 2 x Squats, 2 x leg curl x 15ish lost reps second set
Chest = 2 x DB incline, 2 x Incline fly
Back = 2 x pullup, 2x Bent BB row x 15ish
Shoulders = 2 x BB miltary press, 2 x Sides x 15ish
Biceps = 2 x prech curl x 15
Tri = 2 x freedom presses x 15
calfs = forgot oops lol
abs = weighted ball crunch... never seen anyone do this but it works great just put weight behind your head

Day 2 was different but basically the same and this 100 word paper turned into a 4000 word term paper

Ok Ok sorry guys for the long laundry list of questions but this is a pretty new concept to me and i just want to learn and make my own judgement on this HST.

I like the knowledge on this board you guys seem really good at what you do and my first impressions of this type of training is very impressing.

Key, we don't hate steroids here. We just don't like the haphazard illegal use by people that don't know what they are doing.

As to your questions:

1. Personally I wouldn't put ephedra in my body. As for clen, are you on a cutting cycle? It is a better choice if you know how to use it and don't screw up your endochrine system. I am not a fan of bulking and cutting in general. To me, a steady slight caloric excess is far superior and safer than YoYoing type of building.

2. Running has its own health hazards for your knees and back but that isn't your question. I believe in some type of aerobic activity to go along with anaerobic training for general health well being. You just need to adjust your diet according to what you want to achieve.

3. Sure.

4. With multiple sets in HST, it is usually recommended that you hit the target reps on your first set and stop your second set when you start to compromise form or tempo. We typically only go to failure on the last session of any rep range and then it is not absolute failure but as explained above.

5. Not if you adjust volume according. I have done up to 12 fullbody workouts per week and got tremendous results. However, each workout consisted of only 1 set per bodypart. You also need to take into account the impact that level of training will have on your metabolism.

6. Squats and deads together may be too much for some peoples' backs. If so, leg press is a good alternative.

7.A lot of people use compounds only on the 15's and may add in some isolations on the 10's and 5's. Some people, like me, stick mostly to compounds to get the most out of every workout while keeping it as short as possible...usually 20 to 30 minutes. It's a personal choice.

8. The avaerage person will gain strength on an HST workout but if you are already a trained and accomplished power lifter, you are likely to lose some CNS conditioning.

Let us know how you like HST.
1. Ephedra has it's uses but be aware that misuse can lead to serious problems.
3. Stretching is fine but there is nothing conclusive showing that stretching improves injury risk.
5. Although I agree with what O&G is saying, too much frequency can also prove detrimental, overuse strain, fatique and burnout. If you are planning on using very high frequency then follow O&G's advice and eat accordingly and adjust individual exercises or their volume to compensate.
Yeah i am currently trying to cut. I do not like the zig zag method either and i dont think i will do it again.

Thanks for the advise.... about the ephra though what is the problem with taking one after breakfast and maybe before a workout? I have used years ago to lose weight and it worked well.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Old and Grey @ June 16 2005,8:30)]Key, we don't hate steroids here. We just don't like the haphazard illegal use by people that don't know what they are doing.
And yes Old and grey I did do my research for about 3 or 4 months before doing a cycle. I have everything in order for post cycle therpy and had them on hand before. I had blood work before cycle to make sure everything was in order as well.

But i do agree people should not just take some Dbol or something because there buddy at the gym told them too. It is all to common kids screwing up themselves by taking steroids. I also read a book on steroids before going to the net for more information. I looking at site that had steroid scares and i know the addiction factor is there. People really hurt themselves and should not take illegal drugs so lightly.
The totality of the available data showed little evidence of ephedra's effectiveness except for short-term weight loss, while confirming that the substance raises blood pressure and otherwise stresses the circulatory system. These reactions have been conclusively linked to significant adverse health outcomes, including heart ailments and strokes.

Of course, everything has its downside risks so ephedra is probably no more dangerous to the average person than alcohol. Unfortunately, there are no specific legal alternatives that are as satisfying as alcohol but there are certainly legal alternatives to ephedra.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (dkm1987 @ June 16 2005,8:51)]1. Ephedra has it's uses but be aware that misuse can lead to serious problems.
3. Stretching is fine but there is nothing conclusive showing that stretching improves injury risk.
5. Although I agree with what O&G is saying, too much frequency can also prove detrimental, overuse strain, fatique and burnout. If you are planning on using very high frequency then follow O&G's advice and eat accordingly and adjust individual exercises or their volume to compensate.
"3. Stretching is fine but there is nothing conclusive showing that stretching improves injury risk."

Only if your a Ice skater or ballerina

but i am not flexable at all. and have been working pretty hard on it. I think it will make a big difference in my muscle building ability. Giving me better usage of all my muslce fibers.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Old and Grey @ June 16 2005,10:50)]The totality of the available data showed little evidence of ephedra's effectiveness except for short-term weight loss, while confirming that the substance raises blood pressure and otherwise stresses the circulatory system. These reactions have been conclusively linked to significant adverse health outcomes, including heart ailments and strokes.
Of course, everything has its downside risks so ephedra is probably no more dangerous to the average person than alcohol. Unfortunately, there are no specific legal alternatives that are as satisfying as alcohol but there are certainly legal alternatives to ephedra.
You are wise beyond your years. Ok... so i should use the clen instead.
"You are wise beyond your years"

LOL. Most would say the reverse.

"so i should use the clen instead."

Actually I am more comfortable saying that you should not use ephedra rather than definitely saying that you are OK using Clenbuteral.
You're better off asking a medical professional.