check this guy out unbeleivable

Yeah, saw that a while back. We have guys like that in Atlanta, most like him, weigh about notice how much bigger everyone was besides him, including the girls. Still, not to take away from hard work.
Anyone besides me notice the little Ruger in his front pocket? The wallet was in the back. Welcome to the hood.
ive seen some similar stuff before......same guy perhaps. regardless its quite impressive.

im not sure about the ruger or the wallet, i wasnt looking real closely at his pockets. i do find the 110lbs, smaller then a girl funny though. yes, he does appear to be short (which none of us can control) but otherwise that dude has maxed out every single physical attribute that is visible. i guess it all depends on what your looking for.

impressive stuff.
If I see someone as built as this (irrespective of bodyweight and height) I just assume they are roided. To me he looks in better shape than any of the older bbers from before roids. What do you folks reckon?

I wish I could look half as good as he does.

Check out the still at 3:45.
I doubt that most of the 'hoodies here have the resources, brains, or even ability to PCT properly - so my guess is that it's natural, but they're all lightweight from what I've seen. As you said; irrespective of size.
I don't see roids at all, I see very light body weight , stick legs- and am reminded of gymnasts not at all of weight lifters. Stick legs and small light weight body is far easier to move through space than a typical "jacked" 200 pounder. Still impressive though.
i dont know how anyone can say his legs are small as you cant see them
only his calves which are notoriously small in most black guys,i would say in his weight in a natural BBing comp he would defo be in the top 3.
(faz @ Sep. 30 2009,12:02)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">i dont know how anyone can say his legs are small as you cant see them
 only his calves which are notoriously small in most black guys,i would say in his weight in a natural BBing comp he would defo be in the top 3.</div>
thats because when we look at a video of a solid guy doing bw exercises we see.......a solid guy doing bw exercises.
some look at that video and see a whole lot more (or less).
(Lol @ Sep. 25 2009,9:27)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If I see someone as built as this (irrespective of bodyweight and height) I just assume they are roided. To me he looks in better shape than any of the older bbers from before roids. What do you folks reckon?

I wish I could look half as good as he does.

Check out the still at 3:45.</div>
That thought didnt even cross my mind actually. Sure, he might be on sth, but he might just as well be natural. He is just very lean (and has muscles).
(Sniggel @ Oct. 08 2009,12:49)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Lol @ Sep. 25 2009,9:27)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If I see someone as built as this (irrespective of bodyweight and height) I just assume they are roided. To me he looks in better shape than any of the older bbers from before roids. What do you folks reckon?

I wish I could look half as good as he does.

Check out the still at 3:45.</div>
That thought didnt even cross my mind actually. Sure, he might be on sth, but he might just as well be natural. He is just very lean (and has muscles).</div>
Probably just really good genetics. Whenever I see bb'ing in the title of some vid or pic I just assume there's a likelihood of juicing.