Chin/Dip Assist


New Member
Yesterday, I was teaching a friend about HST etc.

And I told him that Chins, Dips, Bench, Row, Squat, Deadlift and Military are the core exercises you should conctrate on when starting.

When it came to the Chins and Dips he could only do 5, 8 reps respectively.

So we went to the 'assist machine' with a 60 pound assist he was able to do 17reps chin ups and 19 reps dips.

I am a little confused on how to go about calculating the progression.

I thought decreasing the assist by 10lbs but I am not sure if that is valid.

Anyone have any ideas?
When I went to gyms, I used the chin/dip assist machines. You can apply HST to them just like you do with any other exercise, except you are assisting with less weight. One way to think about it, IMO the best way, is to look at the load as:

Body Weight - Assisted Weight

This way, the load will always increase (progress) within a mesocycle!
Think of it in terms of pull downs: your chinning weight is your body weight minus whatever the pussy assist machine gives you. You would decrease the chin assist the same as you would increase the weight of your pull downs.

Keep in mind that this is an "arms" exercise, not a "leg" exercise -- you might want to start your increments at the 5 pound level...

I used to start with a 60 pound assist in order to do two sets of 15. It took me two full HST cycles before I could do 25 Max-Stim chin up at my full body weight. Heck, if I can do it, anybody can!