Chin-up - maxes and reps


New Member
Okay, this is the first of a few questions I have, is it okay if I break them into multiple threads? I figure it improves topic independence and searchability later. I did a search on the FAQ forum and couldn't find anything.

Anyway, as I was saying.

Up until now I'd been using a curl bar for curls to develop my biceps in my HST routine. I did it because increasing the size of my biceps specifically is my main goal. I mentioned this and was told that I should use underhand/narrow-grip/whatever chin-ups so that I'm at least doing a compound exercise instead of an isometric.

Honestly I like chin-ups so I'd love to incorporate them. The problem is that the max I can do at my bodyweight is right around 15. So if I'm wanting to do an HST routine, what do I do all the other workouts for the two weeks building up to my 15 rep max? Or do I just keep doing my 15 rep max over and over each time? It seems like that might defeat the purpose of HST.

Thanks in advance. Also I apologize in advance for flooding the board with my following several questions.

Method 1) Use a pull-down machine with weighted increments until you get to the point where you can use body weight again.

Method 2) Use a dip-belt to hang weights from to add resistance to your bodyweight. once you get to thepart of the workout that is heavier than bodyweight.

To find your loads, use your bodyweight as a load number and use increments from there....i.e.- Bodyweight-10 lb.s on pulldown machine, etc. or Bodyweight +10 lb.s for weighted chin-ups.
You can buy a dip belt at any decent fitness equipment store.
Also, if you want big arms, you are going to have to increase your OVERALL mass, very few people have managed to get big arms without having big pecs, lats, delts, etc. You will need to add to your overall muscle mass...i.e.- lift big weights and eat alot.

Yes, underhand chin-ups can big build big biceps, along with a wide, thick back.
I'm certain this has been answered before but I can't remember when.

Anyway, don't forget that the 15s are designed to condition your tendons for the heavy loads you'll be using later on. So, whilst progression is good, it's not as vital during 15s but you should try to get a good burn going. If you can do pulldowns instead of chins during 15s, as Sci says, then do those. Otherwise, just do as many reps as you can, whilst avoiding failure, until the end of the 15s then start to add weight for progression during 10s. After 5s continue to add weight and do negs for post-5s.

Hopefully, after a few cycles your strength will have picked up enough to be able to get the reps and increment the load for the entire cycle.

All the best.
(stevec @ Sep. 12 2006,18:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Up until now I'd been using a curl bar for curls to develop my biceps in my HST routine. I did it because increasing the size of my biceps specifically is my main goal.</div>
how old are you
Want big arms?

Simple. Squat. Deadlift. Incline bench press. Dips. Pullups and Chinups. Military presses. Throw in an iso for biceps if you want and eat a lot.

I guarantee an inch more in arm girth for every 15 pounds of muscle you put on. Money back guarantee.


I guess I should've been more clear.

I meant this as part of a larger (full body) HST workout. I'm already incorporating squats, SLDL, military press, and upright rows.

It's just that I've already gotten fairly big for my size in most other areas. The only places where I'm looking for massive improvement are my legs and my biceps. I already know squats and SLDL are going to do wonders for my legs.

I'm planning to get a little bigger all around (except for my chest--I've already got manboobs from benching daily [stupidly] in high school). I'm not that naive. Thank you scientific muscle and Lol.
What is your height, weight and approx. bodyfat percentage?

If you have man-boobs, it is becaseu you are fat and need to lose bodyfat...
I know lots of guys with very strong, big pectorals who don't have man-boobs.

Unless you are already 200 lb.s or more (depending on height) with 10%bodyfat or less..(enough to see most abs), then you are not big enough to have big arms.  You may think you are too big in some places, but this may be bodyfat..
Have you seen pictures of Schawarzenegger in his prime??? HE had the biggest, fullest biceps in history in my opinion, and HUGE upper body muscles in general, including massive chest, but he didn't have man-boobs, and had a 32&quot; waist and very low bodyfat!  Of course he over-trained like most in 70's, but that is a different story.

It just doesn't make sense to me that you want bigger arms but not bigger muscles in other upperbody area...Unless you are just a genetic wonder who happens to have huge upper body muscles but relatively small biceps?

p.s.- if you can only do 15 chin-ups max., you need more muscle and/or less fat. When you can do 15 chin-ups with 40 lb.s hanging from your belt, your biceps and lats will be VERY NICE! I am not trying to be derogatory, I also can't do that much weight, I am just giving you the advice you came for.
i think i understand what your saying. youve got a good prog. and have seen some growth from it but bi's are not keeping pace and your just looking at diff. ways to approach chins.

when i am over 200lbs my max for chins (close/underhand) is between 12-14. when doing 15s i just do 10, wait 30-60 secs and do 5 more. every other w/o i add a rep to the 1st set but usually still do 4-5 more after a short rest. i never hit failure though. as soon as im a rep or so away i stop, whatever the count. last day of 15's i try to get 15.
Well, I'm 26 years old, 5'6&quot; and now hovering around 148lbs and probably 10-12% bodyfat. I was doing HST and bulking over the summer and for the first time in eight years managed to gain almost 15 pounds--I was 135 give or take before, and usually around 7% bodyfat.

After my first two cycles of HST (8 weeks--I did two cycles with only one week of 15s/10s/5s/5s) I gained the weight plus an inch on both my biceps and two inches on my thighs. I'm a huge believer in HST now, but I'm still learning a lot about how to do it properly.

I'm close to a 15RM at bodyweight because my bodyweight went up and I haven't adjusted to it yet. Last time I did chin-ups (a couple years ago) I was doing sets of 25. I was also only 135 then. Turns out that 13 pounds makes a difference. Who knew?

Basically I want to gain another inch and a half to two inches on my biceps and another probably two or three inches on my thighs and then I'm very happy with those bodyparts. I'm already pretty happy with the rest of my physique size-wise. I could stand to be a little bit bigger in the shoulders and back but I'm sure I'll get enough of that as a result of the exercise it takes me to get to my other goals.

All through high school I lifted but we did almost exclusively bench (occasionally curls) so my pecs are big enough that I border being self-conscious about them. For my frame, I'd say my pecs are small bodybuilder-level. I realize I do need to keep training them though, but if I train them while I'm doing HST it will not be with HST, probably just standard 10-rep sets of a decent amount of weight.

After that I want to cut back down to around 7% bodyfat and just work on strength and endurance.

So that's my story.

Thank you bluejacket for the additional suggestions, and thanks again scientific muscle! You guys are a big help.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The problem is that the max I can do at my bodyweight is right around 15.</div>

And who suggested this to be as problem? 15's are for flushing the body with lactate and strengthen tendons. If you can handle 15 reps of a reverse close-grip chin that is supper, carry on with that weight through the 15's, then when you start 10's start adding some weight with a dip belt, start low with 10 kg D/B or even a 5 and start progressing from there!

If you want the arms to respond try suppersetting the chins with incline d/b curls at least 45 degree and let them stretch all the way down.

Then please use dips + skullcrushers or pushdowns for your triceps, remember this muscle amounts to 2/3 of the arm muscle.

But all in all do not forget that to get 2&quot; up you will have to put on 30 pounds, that may take some time, believe me I am also 5'6&quot; just like you, about 70 Kg = 156 Lbs Body weight, my arms currently are about 15.5&quot; and they look fine.

Of course I want more but I will be patient!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Basically I want to gain another inch and a half to two inches on my biceps</div>
For biceps I understand you to mean upper arm right? As Fausto says, in order to do this you are looking at needing to gain in the region of 20-30lbs of lean body mass. That is a lot and isn't going to happen quickly. If you accomplished it in a year of steady training that would be very good.

Even though you say that your pecs are as big as you want them to be, I still think it would be worth working on weighted dips for your tris, perhaps with a closer grip than you would use as a chest exercise, along with some form of stretch point iso like overhead extensions. That's a good combo.
(Lol @ Sep. 13 2006,03:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Basically I want to gain another inch and a half to two inches on my biceps</div>
For biceps I understand you to mean upper arm right? As Fausto says, in order to do this you are looking at needing to gain in the region of 20-30lbs of lean body mass. That is a lot and isn't going to happen quickly. If you accomplished it in a year of steady training that would be very good.

Even though you say that your pecs are as big as you want them to be, I still think it would be worth working on weighted dips for your tris, perhaps with a closer grip than you would use as a chest exercise, along with some form of stretch point iso like overhead extensions. That's a good combo.  
Yes, that's actually more technically accurate. Sorry, I'm used to talking to people who don't know what they're talking about.

Despite all my newbie questions I promise I really do know a bit about exercising!

I like this idea. I originally didn't do anything because I was limiting myself to exercises I could do in my house with a minimal setup (just a curl bar and weights). Since I'm adding chin-ups I'll be heading to the gym on campus, which means I can also add dips back into the mix. That's great, because I loves me some dips.

Thanks again.