Chin Ups / Pull ups


New Member
Hello everyone, maybe you can help here.

I can do 15 good-form bodyweight pull ups. My gym has no assisted machine.

How do I go about progressing to 15 reps in weeks 1&2?

Less reps?
Just do 15 accross the board?

Thank you so much. It took me so long to get to 15, and I really don't want to give them up!

Kind regards,

Use a pulldown machine (i'm assuming when you said no assisted machines, you were referring to the counterweight types and not the lat pull down). Otherwise you may just have to substitute another exercise during the weeks you are unable to perform the rep range at the desired RM%.
I see, not a bad idea. But I really wanted to avoid pulldown machine as I really rate chins, and the thing is, I am able to perform all rep ranges required.
I would start out with body weight and do as many reps as you can without going to failure. If you get to the point that you can do 18 reps then add 5 lbs. and work your way back up to 18 adding another 5 lbs. until you get the end of the 15s. In your last workout of the 15s I would try to determine your new 15 RM by adding the amount of weight you think you will need to fail at 15 reps.

Then when you move to the 10s you should be able to progress normally starting with BW only and adding weight from there.
i can do like 12 non kip pullups. How should I do set/rep range for my 10-5 rm? i've been doing the russian pullup guide found in this page and increasing the rep 1 every cycle for each workout but thats gets to a point where I cant complete as many as required. I'm thinking of starting over from the beginning. Pullups seem to be getting harder... i think due to weight gain. :)