chins and dips in off days


New Member
i have lagging arms for other body parts i ask if i add chin up and dips in off days that may help what do you think and if yes what you suggest to do

increasing in off days with my schedule as hst i mean the weights and reps

one more question have any body tried to do hst more than 3 days a week and what is the result

i asked before about the frequency and they answered me the more the better as you are increasing weight with no problem of recovery
does it mean i can do hst 6 days aweek would be better for gains or what
(butcher @ Oct. 26 2008,7:28)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">i have lagging arms for other body parts i ask if i add chin up and dips in off days that may help what do you think and if yes what you suggest to do</div>
Interesting that you ask this.  Travel schedule permitting, my next cycle is going to incorporate chins and dips on (what are traditionally) off-days.  Therefore, this will be my first 6-day routine, but using lower volume on each day.  I know Faz and a few others have tried higher frequency taining, but I haven't run across any of their results.  I'll post my results in early '09.

You should be fine with this provided you are eating correctly and resting sufficiently! Go by your instincts as far as fatigue goes, if you are getting too tired then you know you have to slow down, else all is well!

Don't know if I've understood you correctly or not. Do you mean you will increase the weights on &quot;off days&quot; for dips &amp; chins by the normal amount? This will mean you will hit your  max on these exercises sooner than the rest, this will interfere with your other exercises e.g. if you hit max on your dips on say Thur then do your &quot;normal&quot; bench on Fri your tris likely will not be getting a progressive increase in load as they already got a greater loading the day before, so you would be breaking on of the tenants of HST.

What you could do is just increase the weight by half of what you normally would on those exercises e.g. 2.5kg instead of 5kg so that they still get a progressive increase in load and all exercises are in step with each other. Alternatively just repeat the same weight for dips/chins on the &quot;off&quot; day that you did the day before.

Personally I've not tried training 6days a week using HST, my gut feeling is that it possible may be a benefit in the first week or so of 15s,10s &amp; 5s (depending on your ability to recover) but you will (most likely) end up overtraining on the second weeks when the weights are closer to your RM's.