Chins- Overhand or underhand grip


New Member
Wanting to put in chins in my workout. I have 4 things that I like to do four my back. On one day I do Rows and Pulldowns, the next workout I'll do Deads and Chins. I know i'm going to be weak on chins(I've never done them before) It just seems like underhand would be more biceps then back. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
I would do the chins underhanded. You will get an awesome stretch in your lats and the added bicep attention is a plus too.


<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have 4 things that I like to do four my back. On one day I do Rows and Pulldowns, the next workout I'll do Deads and Chins.</div>

Too many IMO, just do chins and rows that is all you need.

Deads are good of course, they are a whole body compound anyway!

Underhand is indeed to get the biceps, that is why we don't recommend the use of curls unless it is for metabolic stress as extra and only during 5's and onwards, you just can't compare the amount of weight you can load with chins to the one with a barbell.
I am pretty weak in the pull up/chin up area. What I am doing is assisted pull ups in the 15's, both feet on a step and pushing with my legs when I need to. Then 10 pull ups followed by 10 chin ups in the 10's with just one foot resting on a step and no assisting. Then in the 5's, three sets of 5 body weight pullups/ chin ups/ neutral grip pull ups. Then, I'll do weighted negatives.
Underhanded chins allow you to put more load on the back. You should be doing your rows with an underhanded grip too. Maybe I'm the only one who feels this, but rows with an underhand grip hit my lats pretty well as well as the various trapezius muscles.
i made underhanded chins too! and some additional armwork only at the end of my cycles for additional pumps.

if you want the underhanded chins maximize the best results for your back you must concentrate to pull out of your lats.
here it must not go about the full ROM. but the above part of your movement is very usefull for your bizeps.
So use the full ROM.

at the beginning with hst , this was my beginning with chins too, i was weak in the chins, so i used to cluster it and now im using extra weight to make my chins.

BYRK, I read the following somewhere and actually is what I use.....
- undergrip is better for chin ups and pulldown with your hands close... this way is supposed to hit well the mid part of your lats
- overgrip is better for pull ups and pulldowns with your hands at or slighly wider than shoulders... this way is supposed to hit more the upper part of your lats

So, in 1 cycle I do undergrip chin ups plus overgrip pull down ... the next cycle it would be the other way around, that is undergrip pulldowns plus overgrip pull ups... well, I hope you guys could understand this mess, he he he
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Maybe I'm the only one who feels this, but rows with an underhand grip hit my lats pretty well as well as the various trapezius muscles.</div>

Dorian Yates used to do this and he had legendary lat development

In summary BYRK

underarm close grip chin
(underarm?) bent over rows

= awesome back!
Just a question on this, i was under the belief that underarm close grip chins was best for lats development..

But according to this:

A wide front grip produces greater muscle activity in the lats.
This study was done on the lat pull down though, not chin/pull ups.
But id assume the hand spacing would have the same effect on both right?
Thats interesting, its debatable whether a higher EMG reading means more hypertrophy . The lat muscle may be more completely contracted for WGA pull ups but there is less stretch on the muscle in that position and also less load, since it puts you in a weaker position. Interesting though.