Chomping at the bit!


New Member
I have been chomping at the bit to get in here and post. I have been reading this forum for a year now. Reading the wisdom of Lol, Quadancer and many others has been inspirational.

About me...

Im an old Power Lifter getting into my forties. I have put up some 1500 plus scores in meets gone by and looking to lift more for hypertrophy now a days and cut some weight. Was a big proponent of 5X5 and the 20 rep Milk Squats routines for years. I still do 5X5 at least once in a year. Have tried all the most reasonable methods of training... HIIT, Super Slow, Periodized Single Muscle, Explosive you name it. They all freaking worked as long as I kept progessively adding to the load. You have to find your way. I know how to be strong, now to get a bit bigger. Already 325# but we can lose some of this good stuff I added from the eat big lift big mentality I have had for years. Have done Max - Stim before it was called that. We used to call em Milk Squats but we did all the muscles that way after our 5X5 cycling and then a week or two of single and poof, instant monster at the meets. Time to try HST, looks like good solid princibles and total body is a beast fit for a beast.

I have calculated all my starting weights and my partners and starting up next week first HST cycle. Kinda got a feel for it already since I set my weights for an A / B workout by doing the full workouts just compacted over two weeks for 15s, 10s, and 5s.

Week 1
Monday A @ 15s Wednesday B @ 15s Friday A @ 10s

Week 2
Monday A @ 10s Wednesday B @ 5s Friday A @ 5s

Following a traditional HST as prescribed including the 15s ( I might have always lifted big weghts but I am smart enough to know that thes 15s give me mitochondrial density and increased circulation). All exercises will be done in a single set during the 15s including the isolation work. I will use a 2 X 10 scheme for the 10s for the compound core movements and a 1 X 10 for the isolation work. Following that will be a 3 X 5 for the compounds and a 1 X 5 for the isolation work. I want CNS load low and I know with the intensity I can muster a single set is enough. Will polish this up with two to three weeks using progressively over 5s weight but will utilize Max - Stim (Milk Squats), negatives, drop sets, static holds (after reaching max reps), and 3 X 3s. All of these tecniques will be used across all of the lifts during this final phase. I believe in shocking and muscle confusion to a degree and even if it is B.S., this will kick my @#$! out of a plateau guaranteed. When the gains stop on half the lifts, lets take a break and reflect on our hugeness and repeat baby.

I will run through two cycles and go back to my beloved 5 X 5 to set some records. Then maybe back here to HST if it really works well. Giving it two cycles seems fair to me. I can control my diet well enough so if it works, it will work on me.

Exercises chosen: The * denotes core movements
***** A Split *****
* Bench Press
Incline Fly
* Barbell Row
Seated Cable Row
* Squat
Two Leg Extension
* Straight Leg Deadlift
* Military Press
Back Fly
* Barbell Shrug
* Lying Tricep Extension
* Barbell Curl
Hammer Curl
* Weighted Situp

***** B Split *****
* Dumbell Press
Decline Fly
* Lat Pull
Dumbell Row
* Deadlift
One Leg Extension
* Lunge
* Dumbell Press
Side Shoulder Raise
* Dumbell Shrug
* Close Grip Bench Press
* Seated Dumbell Curl
Barbell Wrist Curl
* Cable Crunch
P.S. (Sorry had to do it)...

Yeah no calf work in that I know. My calves are freakish 20" monsters. I calf raise in the mid 400s for sets of fifteen. I can let em ride trust me.
Hey Wildman, great to have you come out and post here. I am sure we will be picking your brain as much as you will be ours.

Great set-up and you obviously know your stuff. That's a lot of exercises you have there but if you know that you can cope with that volume then fine. (5s are going to be tough though - I'd probably just die!)

One thing: if you are going to be cutting I really don't think you will be making any great improvements in muscle mass during that time. If you were a newbie to training then that would be different but you are well past that stage. Hanging on to the lean mass you have now while trimming down is surely going to be your focus? I'm not saying it's impossible, just that it's not likely. I'd diet down to where you want to be and then focus on mass gains.

Also, if you are dieting down, 15s become less beneficial because without heavy lifting at least once a week your body may decide that it's okay to shed some muscle (it'll do that anyway unless you are 'supplementing' but I'm sure you want to prevent that from happening as much as possible). So, whilst there are definite benefits to be had from 15s, focussing on them for two weeks while dieting is probably not a great idea. You could always eat at maintenance over the 15s and then reduce cals during the rest of the cycle.

Anyway, hope that wasn't all too obvious and all the best. I look forward to hearing about your progress.

P.S. I am jealous of your calf mass. 20" calves are huge! If you don't mind my asking, have you got good calf genetics in the family? My pop has very slim, long legs with short, high calf muscles. My mom has much better calves but guess which way the genes went for me?
(Lol @ Aug. 14 2008,5:35)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Hey Wildman, great to have you come out and post here. I am sure we will be picking your brain as much as you will be ours.

Great set-up and you obviously know your stuff. That's a lot of exercises you have there but if you know that you can cope with that volume then fine. (5s are going to be tough though - I'd probably just die!)

One thing: if you are going to be cutting I really don't think you will be making any great improvements in muscle mass during that time. If you were a newbie to training then that would be different but you are well past that stage. Hanging on to the lean mass you have now while trimming down is surely going to be your focus? I'm not saying it's impossible, just that it's not likely. I'd diet down to where you want to be and then focus on mass gains.

Also, if you are dieting down, 15s become less beneficial because without heavy lifting at least once a week your body may decide that it's okay to shed some muscle (it'll do that anyway unless you are 'supplementing' but I'm sure you want to prevent that from happening as much as possible). So, whilst there are definite benefits to be had from 15s, focussing on them for two weeks while dieting is probably not a great idea. You could always eat at maintenance over the 15s and then reduce cals during the rest of the cycle.

Anyway, hope that wasn't all too obvious and all the best. I look forward to hearing about your progress.

P.S. I am jealous of your calf mass. 20&quot; calves are huge! If you don't mind my asking,  have you got good calf genetics in the family? My pop has very slim, long legs with short, high calf muscles. My mom has much better calves but guess which way the genes went for me?  
Thanks for the input Lol. I appreciate it. Ill be eating my typical monster food for this run. To evaluate HST fairly I am going to bulk it for two cycles. I have been volume training for quite a while now. I think the load I laid out there will be a good effort but not maximal. It all works if applied correctly. I am sure HST will produce as well. Diet? Well I go for 1.5 grams protein per pound and since Im 325# that makes me eat like a tyranosaur. How can you have any pudding if you dont eat your meat? Eat your veggies and fruit too! I dont shy away from the milk either. On a bulk Ill go a gallon a day of the mooooo juice. Old school and hardcore baby...

Yes the calves I got from my dad's side of the family. My grandpa had huge calves and fingers like prybars. He was my inspiration to lift. Watching him work on the farm. Watched him carry four ninety pound bags of feed up a hill to feed the pigs. Set an engine block into place on the motor mounts from a work bench 15 feet from the truck. He was a very strong man. From years of work picking and digging in a coal mine. I wanted to be strong like hime, without all the coal dust. So I PLed for a while and had big fun. Some very nice people in the sport to meet. I used to do strength feats as part of my training. Push cars up hills. Carry barbells on long walks and up / down stairs. Fun stuff like that.
(Wildman @ Aug. 14 2008,1:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yes the calves I got from my dad's side of the family. My grandpa had huge calves and fingers like prybars. He was my inspiration to lift. Watching him work on the farm. Watched him carry four ninety pound bags of feed up a hill to feed the pigs. Set an engine block into place on the motor mounts from a work bench 15 feet from the truck. He was a very strong man. From years of work picking and digging in a coal mine. I wanted to be strong like hime, without all the coal dust. So I PLed for a while and had big fun. Some very nice people in the sport to meet. I used to do strength feats as part of my training. Push cars up hills. Carry barbells on long walks and up / down stairs. Fun stuff like that.</div>
4 x 90lb bags of pig feed x walk up-hill. Awesome!

It's great having you here for a while Wildman. I'll look forward to reading about how things go for you. I can't even imagine what it's like to eat enough to be able to maintain 325 let alone think about bulking! That must be some grocery bill you have there.
(Wildman @ Aug. 14 2008,8:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">How can you have any pudding if you dont eat your meat?</div>
Excellent! Welcome to the forum.

I look forward to learning from you.
(Lol @ Aug. 14 2008,9:31)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Wildman @ Aug. 14 2008,1:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yes the calves I got from my dad's side of the family. My grandpa had huge calves and fingers like prybars. He was my inspiration to lift. Watching him work on the farm. Watched him carry four ninety pound bags of feed up a hill to feed the pigs. Set an engine block into place on the motor mounts from a work bench 15 feet from the truck. He was a very strong man. From years of work picking and digging in a coal mine. I wanted to be strong like hime, without all the coal dust. So I PLed for a while and had big fun. Some very nice people in the sport to meet. I used to do strength feats as part of my training. Push cars up hills. Carry barbells on long walks and up / down stairs. Fun stuff like that.</div>
4 x 90lb bags of pig feed x walk up-hill. Awesome!  

It's great having you here for a while Wildman. I'll look forward to reading about how things go for you. I can't even imagine what it's like to eat enough to be able to maintain 325 let alone think about bulking! That must be some grocery bill you have there.  
Oh brother! My wife hates the bulk. When I swing into 5000 calorie mode, six meals a day. She cant keep enough milk, eggs, and meat in the house. But food is such a huge side of this sport. I have always been natural and I know from experience you can get great gains on food alone but you gotta eat (No, I am not a Rally's spokesperson...) I do supplement so I should divulge whats up with that. I use Twin Lab Whey protein for daily shakes (chocolate of course) and pre-workout. I load with a Creatine Mono, caseine and banana shake post workout. Creatine with just water every morning to choke down a multi-vitamin and aminos. I take six tablets of 2222s amino acids every day spread out over three meals. Eat plenty of veggies and fruit with all that lean meat and poof! You got the fuel you need to sustain it all. I really never did much for calorie counting over the years and it shows in two ways. I grew to be a mountain but a little soft around the edges. We will work on taking more of that off after we get a feel for this HST on bulk. I always felt my best around 285#. Could run a mini marathon at that weight and not come in last at least. Heh.