choosing new exercises


New Member
if you choose to use new exercises next cycle do you take a week of after your first cycle then find your new exercises max then take off another week or what do you do...

this might be confusing to read
No, just max out on the new exercises at the end of your current cycle, then SD. If I am reading what you are asking correctly. You might want to take an additional day off before maxing to make sure that you are fully recovered, especially if you do really strenuous 5s or negs.
Hello RichieRich :)

Aside from what precious_roy said, you may aslo simply estimate your max if the new exercise isn't so different from something you are already doing.

For example, if you want to switch from doing regular dumbbell curls to hammer curls on your next cycle, you may simply subtract around 5-10 pounds from your max, as hammer curls are generally much more difficult than normal curls. Or from a regular curl you wish to do the inclined version next cycle, subtract another 5-10 pounds. Of course, this isn't as accurate as really testing your max, but it could save you a lot of time in case you are pressed for time (like the holidays are coming up and you can't train during holidays, for example).

Hope this helps. Good luck! :)
- JV
thanks for the help guys you both answered my question perfectly:)
Not a problem :)

That's why this forum is so great, so many people here share whatever it is that they know to help anybody in need. Hey, we were all newbies once! :D And add to that the fact that since science is continually improving, we are still newbies in some ways, especially when it comes to new discoveries.

Just keep going with HST, mind your diet, get enough rest, and you are on the way to a fantastic physique! And of course, tell us your experiences and results! :)

- JV