cluster training


New Member
I’m on the end of the 5, and get so sore after every workout.  I plan to test cluster training next workout to see if it feels any different.

Have read in the HST pimp e-book about cluster training, but not get the whole idea.

Would I do so many reps I can in the first set (without hit failure), then rest 20-40 sek, do so many rep I can… and so on?


Split up the set in "mini set", 3*5 to 8*2, and only rest 20-40 sek/ mini set?

You will have to show us what you are currently doing, volume and frequency so that we can then show you how to correct it if at all.

Cluster is a means of attaining the desired reps by breaking them into phases (so to say).
So does that mean for example:

I set the goal of 30 reps, and I can do 2 sets of 15, or

1 set of 15, then a set of 8 (because the weight is too heavy), then a set of 4, then a set of 3. Thus allowing you to do "2 sets of 15" with a heavier weight?
Day 1
Bench: 3*5
B.o.r: 3*5
MP: 3*5
C.g.bench: 3*5
Squat: 3*5

Day 2

Day 3
Dips: 3*5
Chins: 3*5
Mp: 3*5
Deadlift: 3*5
Abs: 3*10

Day 4

And so on.

You have two choices as per Bryan's FAQ e-book, you can cluster and accomplish all three sets or,

You can drop one set and do only 2 thus following the sequence of dropping one set in the second week of 5's and then again on negatives.

Whilst I am not going to tell you what to do, if you are getting too sore, then you need to either drop one set or cluster to get your target,

My view? Experiment with cluster and see, if DOMS persists, then take option 2.

Hope this helps!
Thanks Fausto

However my question remain. Can someone explain cluster training?

Now i do 3*5, with cluster should it bee like this =>





Clustering is only a means to an end (which is a target number of total reps). There is no fixed number of sets and no fixed number of reps per set. You do as many sets as needed to reach your total target count of reps, staying away from failure of course.

Let's say that you are working with your 5RM and you have a target count of 15 reps. If you can perform 3 sets of 5 without reaching failure that's fine, go for it! Nevertheless, most people can't do that with their true 5RM. Chances are that subsequent sets (after the first one) will not allow 5 reps. So, 15 total reps would probably be something like 5, 4, 3, 3.

Clustering doesn't mean that you take a set of x reps and chop it up arbitrarily into pieces. You simply do as many sets as needed to reach your target count, and you stop each one of these sets just shy of failure.

Hope this helps,
Thanks, Dimitris!

King...HST is a vey flexible program, all you need to do is to keep the guidelines so that you reap the benefits.

Dimitris just explained what I would have said!
As long as you need to rest to regain strength. My rests can range from thiry seconds up to several minutes depending on the load I am using. You'll just have to judge for yourself what works, but the whole idea is to rest long enough that you're strong enough for the next set.
9to5 said it best - cluster training is a target amount of reps with a variable amount of sets. Totentanz had a valid point in regards to rest and strength. I have yet to try a cluster cycle.