Cluster vs Pimping


New Member
Hi guys

been wanting to tweak my HST for some time now. not that it doesn't work fine, I guess I just like fiddling with things even if they work :confused:

so here I'm thinking what would be more effective (or more practical) - To stick to Basic compounds and cluster the sets as I get into the 10's and 5's trying for the same (or close to) volume as in the 15's; OR - from halfway through 10's to start including Partials, Stretch point isolations, loaded stretches and metabolic work sets as prescribed in "Pimp my HST" and hold on to 1 maybe 2 sets for the compounds?
I say try both.

Clusters are great but so are partials. I have found that certain isolation exercises are great also for partials which can help bring up lagging bodyparts.

If no bodyparts are lagging maybe clusters are the way to go only b/c you can monitor your progressive load easier.

But if you have a weak muscle group or a muscle that is lagging go with the partials.

My 2 cents!

Good luck

Joe :)