Combining HIT with HST


New Member
I think you would get something along the lines of S.H.I.T ...which just based on the acronym sounds like something to be avoided...

Sorry guys...I couldn't resist...
Not that I really want to add to this thread but that acronym is already taken by a certain doctor's 'Super High Intensity Training'. (I still have the book
HAHAHA! that would be like, well, actually it can't REALLY be done haha! totally different 'philosophies' and training methods

i can imagine a commercial though... "S.H.I.T TRAINING! now at YOUR local gym, be prepared to wear your diapers... cos it HITS u with someone HARDCORE FREQUENCY!!!"

Hey LOL that was Ellington Dardens book wasn't it...I believe I actually own it.

Simon you could combine them... but I think it would be a recipe for disaster...high intensity high frequency...