Combining HST with one exercise by week routine


New Member

I just discovered HST yesterday and it seems to be very effective. I'd like to do it but I also want to keep training with my two close friends and they don't want to change their routine.

Their schedule is :

Each exercices is 4sets of 10reps to failure
3 exercises for the chest
3 exercices for the biceps

1 exercice for thigh
1 for calvers
1 for adductors
1 for abductors
1 for butt

3 exercices for the back
3 exercices for the triceps

3 exercices for shoulders
3 exercices for the chest

As you can see, this is the routine of training each muscle one time / week.

I understand that this is not a good routine but it's quite important to me to keep doing it with my friends because it's a lot of fun to do it together. I'd like to train alone on Wednesday and I can add exercises before or after our workouts, I can also cancel one or two days of training with them if it's important.

What do you advise me to do ?

By the way, yesterday I trained alone and I tried a first HST workout (the weight are in kgs) :

Shoulder press 2x15x30
Leg press 2x15x80
Leg extension 2x15x45
Adductors 2x15x25
Abductors 2x15x25
Abs 2x20x5
Calves 2x15x80
Low row 2x15x60
Row 2x10x60
Rear kick 2x15x30
Lateral raise 2x15x6
Decline bench press 2x15x52

I think I started a bit too big. Maybe I'll just stop where I started and figure out my rep max for 15, 10, 5.

Thank you for your help !
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You have a ton of isolation. I see decline bench, shoulder press, leg press and row as your compound exercises. No squat or deadlift? If you do squat and deadlift you can cut out the leg extension and abductor exercises, as well as the rear kick. They're not necessary unless you're got some rehab work to do IMO. HST is not about variety of exercises. It's about picking and choosing one to two (two being max) exercises per body group, maintaining volume throughout, and slowly increasing load over time through the use of the declining rep ranges.

HST is also about frequency. Less volume, more frequency. One time a week doing 2 sets is not sufficient. Doing a split where you work a body part every single day is going to be very inefficient if trying to pull HST principles into the mix.

And you're doing decline press but no regular bench or incline? I'm guessing you can push the most weight on decline so that's why you're doing it. ;) I'd stick with your regular flat bench if you want a compromise.

From what you've described, I'd cut out all the unnecessary isolation and build your program around Shoulder Press, Bench, Leg Press, and Row. You can keep low row if you want, but alternate it every other workout. I'd alternate a rowing movement with pullups or chinups if I were you.

From the exercises outlined though, you can do something like:


Bench Press/Bench Press (or Incline)

Row/Low Row (or Pullups or Chins)

Leg Press/Leg Press (preferably you'd replace this with squat/deadlift)

Shoulder Press/Shoulder Press

Leg Extension/Leg Extension (if you truly want to keep this)

Lateral Raise/Lateral Raise



If you're physiologically capable of squatting and deadlifting, you should seriously consider learning how. There's no real substitute.

Also, MAKE SURE you SD after you find your rep maxes, because you've already been training at max with your friends for a while. Otherwise your HST cycle will be overwhelmingly less effective.
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I never tried squats or deadlifts because it looked difficult and risky for a beginner when I started.
I do regular and incline, I just didn't do it yesterday because I already did it this monday.

Thank you for your help :-)
Squatting and dead-lifting is a must. Training age has nothing to do with the ability to do either exercise. You're going to start them with baby weight but once you get the form down and progress, you'll be stacking plates in due time.

Trust me, if you're physically capable of preforming the squat and the deadlift, then there's no substitute to doing either.
Since I'll learn to do squats and deadlifting, what would you advise me to do ?
I know the whole body is important but I would be happy to have significant result for the chest, shoulders and abs.

What do you think of :

Shoulder press
Lateral raise
Bench press
Incline bench press
Decline bench press
Squats / Dead lifts